
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Prequel to the next series of AuT posts

I know you are busy as a group.  Who am I that I have the right to take up your time?
For some of us, we are only what we have done, so perhaps the question is not who but what I am.
AuT is such a fundamental theory of QM that it begins before the creation of space time to the explanation of gross features.  For example, it explains what the big bang was, what dark energy is, why the universe expands and why it will contract.  
The lack of complexity in the model is disconcerting, but at least it does not require too much time in summary although there are 4 books, all of which are being edited and a couple of other books which in the works which have to be read in order to fully appreciate the theory.   The need to edit and finish these books is the reason I wonder why I don't have the assistance of the entire planet.
Despite the lack of marketing, it is read all over the world, so perhaps...what?

It is a young theory, but I am sure that among you can find someone who can review this short summary and give your thoughts as to what it needs to be funded.
The summary will be in parts and this is part of the edit of book 2, even though book 4 is published and awaits edits. Book 2, even in its unedited form, is just too important not to finish, in light of book 4.
So there it is.  But the model needs the specifics reformed to be used properly and that takes time, something I'm very short of, something which I have to spend on irrelevant minutia because of a lack of respect.  I don't get any respect!   But I have you, I have a good crowd.

I don't wonder why I don't get volunteers of support from the United States.  It is after all a work based system.  If you work on physics, you define physics.  That has nothing to do to raising money.  You can raise money just by working on raising money, your ideas can be irrelevant or even idiotic.  They are, after all spending hundreds of millions looking for things that don't exist and not blinking an eye at the expenditure.
But what of the rest of the world?  Why not Russia, China, even Germany?  Or why not the more extreme examples, North Korea?  Vietnam? One of the old bananna republics (and I really love bannanas) trying to prove they are in the mix?
And AuT is no longer just theory.  The model allows so many things, it applies not just to the shift of the magnetic field, but any major event should have clues to its presence, wars, meteors, sun flares, you name it, there should be evidence of the coming disorder or order far in advance.  And if that isn't enough, I could always be hired to make a antimatter bomb, you'd think everyone would be excited to build something that would destroy the world?  
Well, all things in their time.  The new posts will start next.

And who am I to take your time with this?  Who am I to claim to have buried all my predecessors' physics below the floodwaters and debris of time?  To have buried their religions, their most cherished false idols and superstitions?  Who indeed?

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