
Sunday, September 17, 2017

AuT-the one electron universe revisited, relativistic fetures

The most logical and most difficult aspect of AuT to accept is the complete elmination of randomness in favor of a fairl simple algorithm.  There is little question that this is accurate, however.
The evidence for this is overwhelming mathematically and only emotional outrage stands in the way.  Even I am emotionally outraged to think that a single variable defines our universe and that if you started it all ower again it would turn out exactly the same way, every blade of grass, star, cloud and thought coming out in exactly the same way.  But what of randomness, some cosmic dice that works in some inscrutable way?  Logically, impossible.  AuT provides for illusory randomness, it i sthe most we can hope for, which means all we have is illusory self determination, illusory love.
While the single variable algorithm for generating successive quantum states universe is an extreme idea, it actual is predicted by many earlier theories which were only limited becasue they failed to accept a dimensionless universe followed by successively more dense dimensional universes.  Most importantly, they failed to understand just how insignificant dimensions are, being nothing that is as magical as we experience them, but instead just the number of places solved at once in a fairly simple math model.
It is bizarre to think that most are dazzled by what we think we are seeing when the reality is so much more logical and elegant, if less romantic.
One such close call was... the one electron universe.  This is on point while sadly primitive and one wonders how someone could get this close to the truth without seeing it.   The culprits, dimension and prejudice of perspective.  Teh vibrtional aspect is there, teh positive and negative, but it is locked in with a very high information state and time is an element, as well as a steady state universe, all things which lead in the wrong direction.  The idea of durable information is not new, but the idea that information is constantly changing is absent, the idea that dimension is not something tangible, bur merely the result of mathematics that are so obvious that they are thrown in the face of every high school student, but our prejudices prevent us from realizing how insignficant our observations are, in the face of the obvious we create false gods that care about our faith, emotions, economical and political degredations that estabilish our relevance relative to one another.  All illusions and yet we all blindly follow it, we all blindly accept we are, when we might not, are not.
So I submitted a paper (32 pages long) to physics today.  That isn't Physics today its...oh never mind,
I am wondering what to do next today, there being dozens of things to do and only one that I want to do normally.  But it is early and my body has not yet begun to believe in its relevance.


Since aging is shown in AuT to be a relativistic and not absolute feature, materials science can be changed significantly.  These are just some of the more extreme promises of a better understanding of AuT.
But it also explains phenomena for which there is no explanation, black holes, universal expansion and contraction, big bangs and the like.
In addition to providing the resources to review more data, the grant also seeks money to help pay for travel to go over what to look for in other physic data and lecture on subject (underwrite, some costs will be collected from schools for lecture fees if possible)
Algorithm Universe Theory (AuT) is not a minor theory.  It defines not only the source and effects of Quantum Mechanics, but the origin of space time itself.  This latter explanation was not available when the initial grant application was made in 2015 although the factors leading up to it were inherent in the disclosure.  This paper summarizes a published book on the subject which is almost 300 pages long (Spirals in Amber 2nd Edition 2017).  A summary of the findings from that longer paper is provided below.
  The results have been relatively astounding already.  On a quantum level, the fundamental structure of space time which includes the various forms of energy and matter and higher states (black hole material for example) are defined along with the inter-relation of forces and those structures.  On a larger scale, the expansion and contraction features of the universe have been identified, The nature and length of the expansion phase of the latest “big bang” was defined and the predecessor events back trillions of years identified with relative certainty.  On a more esoteric level explanations are provided for how history exists within a quantum event environment and an explanation of what light speed is and why it is limited.
While the basic formula for this are set out, a part of the grant would be directed to refining those formulae.
Einstein said space was curved, AuT explains why a non-dimensional universe appears curved.
Einstein determined e-mc^2, Aut Explained why.  AuT shows how this equation fits in with other phenomena.

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