
Saturday, July 7, 2018

extracted from book 4 part 1, the first intro draft and a thought on the photon, the electron and charge

My first swim in almost a week, 1800 yards, 800 im; but I feel better; or is it just knowing that what I long for is still within my grasp.

Dare I be honest and admit the truth of this horrible universe?  It is the noble thing to do and in the second half of my life I want to be noble, but can I admit that the prince that awaits you is the real thing, that only by being so close and allowing it to be snatched from me can the universe punish me enough to make up for this awful gift of insight?

It doesn't work perfectly for everyone, some are deprived of everything for no reason, others are given what they desire most; but the theory works differently for those of us most closely connected to it.  It puts things within our grasp, only to snatch them at the last minute, it allows us only to regret fully when we have lost everything.
It is the price of being at the tip of the spear which takes the most punishment.

I went through all of my reasons to move on again, but I wonder if I have the ability to pull this off.  It continues to be both the most important and I will admit most difficult thing to do.

This latest edit, being a third or 4th generation is going relatively fast, but not too fast.

I need an intro.  Those of you who read this blog, all over the world, know that I have figured this whole thing out, that I am, in one way or the other, the smartest person in the world (ha ha) or whatever that makes me, but I have to schmooze this process and AuT shows that intelligence is nothing and if I was intelligent at all, I would have woken up with you this morning, how much intelligence would that have taken?  No, despite my best efforts,I am the least intelligent of men and nothing more than a twig in a maelstrom.

Anyway, the draft will go something like this:
 A mathematical model is presented having features of self generation, and giving rise to dimensional results.
In order to do this two equations are used where one can be tied to the generation of the other
where the interaction of the two equations, both derived from observed dimensional phenomena, give rise to a sufficiently complicated result to provide for the observed dimensional features
in response to a single variable increasing at a quantum rate
providing an explanation for forces, including the different types and ranges, in particular differentiating gravity while having a common method of generation consistent with the quantum solution of the single variable algorithm
and further providing at least a conceptional explanation for unexplained phenomena (book 3 and the algorithm universe theory youtube videos lists some of these explained phenomena.).

And which can be used to explain at least some of the phenomena explained by the standard model but without reference to the stricture of the standard model, although books 7 and 8 attempt to reconcile the math model with the standard model or at least to provide a cursory comparison of the two.

All available on Amazon of course for those of you downloading 100 of these posts at a time, there is an easier way.

Here is a thought on charge.
As 1:3; 3:5; 7:9 ratios define the positive and negative averages (e.g. 1-7 is negative; 9-15 if positive or perhaps the odd and even give rise to the same effect; 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 are negative; 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 positive and 16 neutral.
This second effect may give a better mass electron to mass proton and is worth a deeper look, but eitehr way the 1:3 effect (1 and 3 negative; 2 positive or 1 negative, 2,3,4 positive) charge following the electron/proton movement for charge makes a great deal of sense.

What Is the Sun Made Of and When Will It Die?

The problem with these astronomical theories is that they work only from the big bang which AuT has shown to be a false starting point for compression.  Don't worry they will get there.
As I approach peer review, I am editing book 4 and this post will contain some of the things deleted from the list document which made up that post.  Your punishment is having to read what is taken out; otherwise its a free ride, relatively speaking.

Here are some of the parts taken from book 4 so far

There are probably 27,000 physicists working on particle accelerators alone and if this theory is accepted, they are largely wasting their time.  That’s a big pill to swallow and I don’t expect you to swallow it.  This is a theory; and, among physicists, theories are like gallbladders, most of us had one at some point in time.

So many holes, but we’re just getting started and all these will be filled.
There are equations and details in those videos and books, the purpose of this series of posts is not to provide mathematical proofs, but is instead to have a “physics discussion.”
In the last post, I made the statement that space and matter were the same thing.  This post I’ll say that every change happens at once.  This is not the same as saying that everything happens at the same time which sounds inconsistent, but we’ll get to time in due course.  

This is a discussion, not a lecture.  Some issues are worked out to my satisfaction, some are not. The big picture is clear, the little nuances not so much.
Here are the clues worked out in the last post, logic and gravity.

Left and right have less to do with AuT in symmetry because left and right require more dimensions than AuT requires for an analysis.
          To accomplish this, the model has non dimensional and dimensional solutions.  

We already have an extensive dictionary, but we have to make a place for time and that means discussing transitional states.  A more precise definition of transitional states appears in the books on this subject, but this is an overview and we don’t need to get bogged down in details and compression theories.
For those who are apoplectic it is worth noting that you can insert (in theory) before any statement.

We’ve defined a system that has only a couple of solutions and that forms “places” that translate into dimension by sequential compression of other states.  This is similar to counting in base 10, but a little different.

Now we have defined time within this list of definitions, but we’re going to dig a little deeper because we use time so much and we are misusing time to the confusion of physics at the quantum level. We’re fine at the non-quantum level with time and physics.

AuT is pretty much mathematical proof that faith is insignificant and therefore a caring god is unlikely and if you need proof, listen to the tape, look at the smiling politicians justifying it and the lying politicians who deflect responsibility for it.  Maybe I'm wrong and I'll meet them in hell and change my mind.  Unfortunately, that's unlikely.

If there were anything more important than you, it would be this broad problem and the narrower part of it, but I cannot think anything is more important than you.

We're supposed to be talking about time here.

"In theory" needs to be added to all discussions about quantum change and theories are subject to discussion and revision.  The view of time has changed as the rate of movement and the effects of compression have changed.

This is so interesting, that I want to tell part of it and then let it sink in before getting to the rest.
I want to be with you, only with you forever.  That's not the part to sink in.

Here is what needs to sink in.

Things might not be that simple, it might take something more complicated to be in love and it might be more complicated for speed also.

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