
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The unbalanced model 3 of ???

I am waiting for you, as much or more than you are waiting for me.
I just watched America America.
I am finishing the work of the Greeks and it is not a coincidence.
And don't think the date is not important to me or that its meanings are not clear to me.
It is more important than you can know because my expertise and my faith in you is much higher than yours is in me and for good reason, I suppose.
I had a difficult week, the last 7 days, I traveled, sold things, bought things, too many things, and drove for endless hours.
I flew back at no small expense, under the circumstance, had a comedian air host on this flight which boarded an hour and a half late meaning i was going nowhere that i want.  he was saying "we are going to Oklahoma when we are not...i hope.  There he has fixed it. Ha ha, very funny, although if you were there even Oklahoma would be good."
After being delayed by this freak storm and looking at a subsequent chaos at the next stop i was reminded of the old days of flying when airlines worked together to get you where you needed to be.
I was exhausted when i arrived at the airport.  i might have said i have rarely been more tired after carrying heavy boxes up heat waved hallways and steps; but then after a while I felt better and ran into a friend who was also on my 4 hour late flight who gave me a ride home, ameliorating all the other losses.
There were too many children on this flight, it was noisy and there is nothing elegant in my seating except for the cost.
Things may get worse before they get better, but there was much to laugh about when the time comes and we can share laughter.

But there is some physics to go over.  The first piece is not so important, the second is a better graphical representation of time velocity dilation.

The idea of the the folding and unfolding of the universe giving rise to dimension can be represented very easily noting that at the edges, the unfolded 1 on one side and -3 on the other; or the -3 on one side and the 5 on the other means that points on opposite sides of the universe might be adjacent from the perspective of linearity.
This in itself is a lengthy discussion, the the idea is that the universe grows outward from the folded parts in the middle and this concept can explain the tying of points at extremes of the universe because you can knot or fold together points far apart.  This is very similar to the mechanism for seeing into the future.
For the moment, however, it is important to see just what the universe looks like before the big bang (top) and what it looks like right before it collapses and what it looks like now...from our three dimensional perspective, understanding that from the black hole perspective there would be a similar bulging and unbulging in that additional dimension.

This next drawing shows how time dilation works from a graphic perspective.
The arrows passing through the electron/proton representation (see earlier posts or the books if you don't get it) travel near the light speed moving the proton slightly slower 3(represented by a slightly shorter second to bottom arrow) than the electron movement 2 yielding an average (A) for the two; the additional velocity of the electron being consider orbital.
This is meant to represent a second so the proton shows 6 changes in the center from a representative standpoint.  For obvious reasons, the proton would collapse to essentially wave forms long before this minimal change occurred for the same reason the universe flattens out (again, see the books or earlier posts)

The movement of the lines through the electron cloud are represented (again from an earlier post) by the bottom left drawing showing ct1 movement through a wave, essentially the wave not moving at the same speed as the ct1 as it does not unfold as quickly, yielding the changes that we see as time.

The 2a arrow represents 1/2 the speed of light and double the changes in the electron cloud occur.

Finally, representing time essentially as we observe it is the .05% net change in ct1 relative to the more compressed states which represents .9905 times the 10^48 scale (10^34-10^48 ranges are discussed in the books) being a relatively massive number of electron bundle changes per second in this case, although in a quantum state these are very few indeed and this ratio is also discussed.

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