
Monday, October 8, 2018

Are all wrong turns wrong?*

I slept most of the last 48 hours.  I'm not sure what is wrong.
A combination of inner ear problems nad problems with my hands, maybe.  Certainly the inner ear problem has been on a role.

I may have cracked a bone or something in one hand, it hurts when I swim or lift weights and over the weekend while doing some fence repair I made a stupid, bush league mistake a cut a finger pretty deeply.  After bleeding all over everything I washed it with soap and water, poured peroxide over it and bandaged it.  I am not suffering from blood loss or anything like that, although it was a pretty messy wound till it was bound up and sealed.

I have researched some articles on closing wounds with super glue (other dema-bonds are better) so you can swim so I'm going to let it heal all day then try that and some waterproof bandaging and then keep the swimming to a minimum.  I need to do that for the broken hand perhaps anyway, but after lifting yesterday it seems like a good idea.

I did finish the fence repair, adding a little blood to the work.  This fence is slowing turning form mostly old fence to mostly new fence, although it has a long way to go.

As I feared, even after all the precautions, swimming opened my cut up.  Still managed (probably stupidly) 2000 yards and the top was sealed with superglue, but it was a deep enough cut that it opened underneath.  Then I only swam 1000 yards, but today was back to 2000 with 1000 im so I feel better.

I am a little mad at myself for making a dumb mistake; but I am a master of dumb mistakes.  At least it wasn't at my finger tip so I don't have trouble typing.

Science is no better than me.  It also makes dumb mistakes.  It does a lot of things right and sometimes the right and the dumb go together.

I was thinking that my contributions are figuring out that space is the same as everything else and what time is and is not.  That is a pretty good summary argument of why I should be alot more famous already, but go figure.

I'm still reading articles.

Phys.Org: The early universe was a fluid quark-gluon plasma.

And other nonsense.
The reason for this is because the standard model is a forced fit.  It is hard to accept what the universe really is.  The universe is a strangely assembled mess that has nothing to do with force and space; instead it has everything to do with the arrangement of fpix solutions that give rise to everything else.  Once you accept this insane appearing premise, all the mysteries go away except what the stuff is that holds and solves the solutions.  God counting, remembering.

So I wanted to put this thing somewhere about capitalism being largely self correcting, that the job of government is just to push it in the right direction so it doesn't swing too wildly, like the universe does from compression to decompression.  The way we are funding a massive cash influx into the economy by increasing debt is a good example.  It has to lead to inflation, but as long as we are the reserve currency (which won't last much longer according to history) the system can self correct, through socially painful, but economically healing massive inflation, the same thing that saved us from the oil crisis.  As long as you can solve your problems by printing money (and thereby making it worthless) you'll be fine sort of.  Everyone's savings are wiped out of course, but that's the price of runaway government.  Oh and the whole xenophobe and pollution thing will come back to kill us too, which we apparently do with zeal for whatever reason.  To me that's a swimming song.

But this is still about physics, the smae phsyics that makes us act like monkeys with rabies.

There is another physics idea that came to me which I wanted to also save.

How about this, you end up with larger numbers of spirals expanding and then spirals contractracting and this leads us to a pattern that looks like one of these, these old drawings:

the s

The point is that even when you figure out the true nature of physics, you still end up back with these same patterns that were so important in the early versions of the physics.  I don't know which will come back exactly, because this is a lot to think about, but I see the pattern coming around again.

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