
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Base to Falcetto, Slow to normal articles supporting aut Chapter 5a

This blog post give a link to a much improved video presentation.
Another 2200 yard swim, had to wait for the storms to pass.
I was up this morning at 4, my head was swimming in so many thoughts that cried out for my attention. After working at home for an hour, I headed into work. It was a little scary, dark and quiet.
I was reminded by the few lights behind me of the words by Carlos Castanada's character Don Juan; the lights behind you are the devil, the don't turn off, the devil only closes its eyes (much abbreviated, you should read the books, however tedius they can be at times:
But what about the car lights coming at you?

I fixed, and shortened the Denver video which is now lucid, sped up and shorter.  You may want to buckle up before you start to listen as it is accelerated to 1.25 speed taking my very slow delivery and bringing it up to a more falsetto, normal tempo.
The Denver video:

The movies have this language if they are out of date: This is an old video.  Updated videos and other materials  can be found at the following link:
I decided I could only update things in one place and they are being updated regularly.

I have, of course, defined gravity, so articles like this are torture to me.  That being said, it is good to see science catching up with me, however slowly it happens. Newton was wrong: Scientists dismiss Newton's theory of gravity and warn Einstein is next.

Below is the spiral triad which has some interesting mathematical significance and screams about the accuracy of the model while also creating questions about compressive shape shifting which is becoming increasingly important in the atomic modeling.

I am getting a fair amount of positive response but there is still much to do.  I can easily see myself falling into the roll of the scientist to whom everyone turns when it is seemingly too late to save the world, despite my best efforts otherwise and indeed retreating to the mountains and living off the grid is an inviting idea given the philosophical concepts my scients embodies and which will appear within this blog in all likelihood.

Chapter 5a Train wreck
As the train passed the bridge a huge explosion rocked the engine.   The enginer looking out the door was blown across the engine and out the door on the other side.  The engineer at the controls was knocked forward, pushing the accelerator forward to the maximum, hitting his head and he fell to the floor, his head bleeding.  The train wheels squealed in response to the sudden additional power and slowly began to accelerate.
Down the tracks a semi truck is speeding towards the bridge, the driver is on his radio, “I see the bridge collapsing.  I’m going to get to the bridge.”
Next to the semi truck driver,  a woman is sitting, “Isn’t that train moving sort of fast?”
“I guess so…”
The engineer who was blown out is doing a limping run towards the train, almost out of breath, he grabs a railing and swings himself up beside the engine.  “George!” he yells to the driver, “Slow the train down.”  There is no response.
He looks ahead of the train.  On the road ahead of the train he sees a truck driving.  Then he sees the rails which swerve into the road in front of him.  “Oh shit!”
The train, following the tracks, now at speed, swerves unbalanced into the road.  The woman in the semi yells and the two collide with a horrific sound, the cars bunch up and crash into each other.
As the wreckage smolders there is an explosion and a sickly yellow gas begins to spread towards the neighborhoods nearby.  Pan to the burning tank cars after another explodes to show a skull and crossbones, something which looks like a military warning, and an emergency number to contact in case something goes wrong.  Nerve gas on its way to the disposal station in Anniston, Alabama.

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