
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cold fusion

I did two sets of weights after a shorter than normal stair workout, but above level 7 and 10 or 9 most of the time.
I have been doing a lot of editing this weekend and I am not happy about the results.  It seems like today I have to do a lot of rewriting.
However, the basic model is so much better, I wonder at what this need represents, what do i have to do and how long will it take an where is the work I did before?
I do not know what to tell you, I cannot be all the things I want to be.
I am overwhelmed.
I am tired.
I am unable to change my life, I am unable to change me.

But then I have changed my life before when it was impossible.

Life sometimes seems like a black hole, but what does that mean?

The black hole radiates a higher mix of ct states leaving than going in the same way as the atom giving movement to the galactic system just as a similar state exists for the nucleus but with greater dimensional effects.
[02] The question helium raises here from a fractal standpoint is: are there any true “singular” black holes or do they also have to exist at least as pairs?  Since we see them primarily based on their gravity, it is likely that all black holes are at least paired to provide enough information exchange for them to remain stable and you would not have black holes flying around without large clouds of shared information.
[03] Size and dimensional changes prevent clear drawings since they are comprised of multiple dimensional results, but fair drawings can be done to reflect the parts and the very specific mathematical relationships add to the understand so we can how the first proton (hydrogen) alignment evolves with an evolving “neutron core” as more hydrogens compress steadily increasing towards the fractal with hydrogens forming a cloud around the neutrons just as the electrons form a cloud around the protons with greater and greater absorption and spewing which nets out like other forces.
[04] The “pole” location is defined by where the net information exits does not match force or stability requirements, but instead the force and stability reflects the winding and unwinding of this system, the “sides” shown where absorption occurs being wherever the information is absorbed at the greatest amount during compression and the spew from poles being defined by the place where the net decompression occurs.

AuT shows the problem with Fusion based on something which has never been seen before, the actual design of the atom.
So everyone pours money into everything but AuT, don't worry, its time is coming.  Or maybe not.
The universe works according to its own rules and stupidity is definitely written into the system, take religion, regionalism, overpopulation, failure to address the major threats
So if I die unrecognized, no real surprise.

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