
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Gobbledegoop and the real story behind time (time intro)

"Maybe. But sometimes I think sailors have an extra sense that tells
them when they are in danger. Sometimes I think evil is a tangible
thing--with wave lengths, just as sound and light have. An evil place
can, so to speak, broadcast vibrations of evil. Anyhow, I'm glad we're
getting out of this zone."

I have been up for two hours and feel that I have accomplished nothing.
I feel cold even though it is not exacly cold everywhere i go.
i wold like to mow some grass as a zen thing, but it is still too early on a Sunday morning.

I am constantly fighting.
Things are not changing
What is wrong with me

I have this list:
Screenplay-if you are waiting for the next chapter here, you can stop reading, perhaps in the next post, it is too hard to cut and paste with my pad and I need to get a new laptop, seriously.
Article on Time-this post contains the much promised introduction, I lament its movement because it means more of the aps bull-malarky, a little more lowering of my respect for my fellow travelers on this rock
Nostradamus - I have to edit it, the mood is just not upon me
Porn-Again, I have to edit, but it is behidn N until my co-writer catches up with me

There are other things but they are for the work week.
There are green things coming up through every crevices.  They are unstoppable.
I need to get the weed trimmer out if I can find it, but there is no zen to that device.

This paper is on gobble-d-goop of pre aut science, graviton type nonsense and true science.

First the gobbledegoop
ScienceAlert: Fascinating New Study Claims Dark Matter May Be Older Than The Big Bang.
And now for the science, perhaps all the science you will need to read this year, because it is that much non-gobble-d-goop to use the technical term.
Second the introduction to my newest paper, a short history of time.
The article is framed around and organized based on this introductory paragraph.

A short paper on time
The theory is covered in several papers including one pending before the APS editorial board which is a mathematical proof.
This paper focuses on the true nature of time.
In the beginning there was no time, because there was only ct1.
Eventually transitions between ct3 and ct4 began and during these transitions which we experience as time today, the pre-time states build sequential realities and the net effect of this building when ct3-4 states shift we experience as time.
Because of the impossibly simple underpinnings of the universe, the base structure is a series of solutions to fpix, the denominator of pi.  The center of the universe holds those with the longest lifespans, 10*150 changes in x in rough estimates for any point to change, although there is a wide range of points within that center since the core of the universe holds as much information as the outer portion which is populated by the visible galaxies.  Because dimensions increase with compression, the core of the universe is essentially a ct6 state, comparable to the center of a galaxy which is a ct5-6 compression state comprised of multiple black holes which are ct5 states.
The galaxy from a 5 dimensional standpoint would be largest at the center, the most “spherical” in the sense of a six dimensional sphere having a numerator of 6/sum(fpix) as opposed to the more familiar 4/sum(fpix) that we experience.  This 5 dimensional sphere would gradually flatten out like a flying saucer till it arrived at the zero dimensional edges where new information is added at the approximate effective rate of 10^44 new bits every second although seconds do not exist at the edges.  Moving back towards the center, the change in x frames of reference that the folded points which make up what we traditionally call the visible universe exist, not near the center, but closer to the center than the edges.
This shape corresponds to the shape of galaxies and given the fractal nature of the system, being based on the iterated equation that is the denominator of pi it is necessarily the case, the galaxy is a fractal form of the universe as a whole.
The change rate at the edges is faster than 10^44 changes per second and the rate of change where we are at is somewhere bet 10^150 changes in x per change and 2 changes in x per change at the very edge of the universe understanding that points exist at every rate change in between the two extremes and these are folded together which allow for the apparent randomness as well as the building of what we view as time.
While the hidden variables of hidden variable theory turn out to be ct1-ct3 states and perhaps early ct3-4 transitional states; the variables are hidden by time which is the illusion which gives rise to the appearance of certain changes appearing energetic and others not.
One more feature which is worth mentioning is that at its core, the universe is powered by a count which generates the new data points, quantum bits, which can remember the count and shift from positive to negative in response to their evolving fpix solution, those bits being capable in a pre-time environment of not only keeping track of the count, but also keeping track of their unique fpix solution even as it approaches numbers like 10*150.  The “thing” that keeps this count and creates points with this ability; perhaps memorizing them all together is a type of super-computer for which earthbound computers are fractal equivalents.  That equivalence, however, does not explain the complexity of this system at the pre-time, dimensionless, thermodynamic free core of the universe.
This section is the core of this paper, the remainder just fills in some of the details.

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