
Monday, August 19, 2019

The interesection of energy, speed and time

Weighed in at 174.5 even after breakfast, not that breakfast was that much and I'm comfortably wearing 34:32 pants.  For those of you who are thinking, why not something symmetrical like 32:32, I would respond that not all symetries are called for in this world, especially given my weigt lifting, but that is mostly a joke, the fact is that I am below 175 today and wearing the next lower size pants comfortably.  I could squeeze into 32:32; at least a relaxed fit, but who wants to suffer in their clothes?

I worked hard this weekend, did not do the workouts I wanted, but cut down a lot of dead trees and cleared out a lot of low hanging brush, using that gym conditioning as it were.  Today, well today I have to do something more cardiovacular.

Here's a mystery that isn't.  As we know, AuT requires absoprtion and spew.   All this does is say that the concepts for climate control put forth by AuT are likely accurate and if it were not for small minded people, we'd at least survive global warming.  Watching the news and my personal guage of small minded people means that we are all doomed.  nevertheless, I now have 9 days to file the next patent which is mostly done.

I'm also planning on another provisional...we'll see where that goes.

AuT says is that the minimum stable galactic core is two black holes for geometric reasons, just as the minimum stable atom is....noting that the hyrdogen in AuT is not actually a part of the periodic table being a ct3-4 state and not a 4-5 state, but who's reading the books anyway?

A short definition of Time

Speed and therefore energy are merely the amount of pre-time change which may be called change outside of a higher compression state.
Long before it was clear what was time or energy it became clear that all changes had to occur at the same rate.  While offset fuse lengths provided some explanations it was not till the definition of time became clear that the rest of the change phenomena became clear.
What is time?
Time is a ‘frame’ of information which consists of pre-time changes.  It can be further defined as ct1,2 and 3 net changes creating a dimensional framework which is a quantum bit of time before the next change in these states.  That however is overly simplistic.
The reason for the over-simplification finding is that there is a type of time at ct3 comprised of ct1 and ct2 changes creating a net dimensional ct3 state.  There are gradients of time with transitional states, so there is a time which is ct1,2, 3 and (for example) ct4t1-5 which creates a quantum bit for ct6 (theorized to be the photon) and another which may be the most important.
The most important is likely ct1,2,3 and ct4t1-6, photonic time; which forms the basis for our view of thermodynamics being a quantum time which could never be fully parsed, because full parsing would involve breakign it down to the ct4t1-5 variety.


Energy can be viewed in context with other dimensional changes.  Not every transition involves energy, although higher ct state transitions result in exponentially higher transitions in energy, transitions from time-based compression states to time free compression states, at least for the part of the matrix involved.  The overall process involves information breaking free from transitional and non-transitional states.
Energy is the pre-time features of dimension, viewed from the standpoint of time. In this way, energy is an illusion, important as that illusion might be.
When a cell turns energy into matter it is compression the information to the point where it goes from an energy state to a more compressed state.
You can see this in a burning twig.  The compressed states, ct4-5 molecular states, hold within them lower information states.  As it gets hot enough these begin to separate, breaking down at the ct3-4-5 molecular level, and movement and waves result which are lower ct3-4 transitional states portions of which change in a pre-time environment.
What this means is that life has figured out how to use the disconnect between pretime ct1-3 states and ct3-4 transitional state time to use the resulting change from these transitions to function.
The higher energy of fission and still higher energy of fusion result from more massive releases of pre-time ct states from states with higher compression features.
A.    Speed and energy

          Speed and energy are the amount of pre-time change which may be called change outside of a higher compression state
Long before it was clear what was time or energy it became clear that all changes occur at the same rate.  While offset fuse lengths provided some explanations it was not till the definition of time became clear that the rest of the change phenomena became clear.
What is time?
Time is a frame of information which consists of pre-time changes.  It can be further defined as ct1,2 and 3 net changes creating a dimensional framework which is a quantum bit of time before the next change in these states.  That however is overly simplistic.
The reason for the over-simplification finding is that there is a type of time at ct3 comprised of ct1 and ct2 changes creating a net dimensional ct3 state.  There are gradients of time with transitional states, so there is a time which is ct1,2, 3 and (for example) ct4t1-5 which creates a quantum bit for ct6 (theorized to be the photon) and which may be the most important from our perspective.
The most important is likely ct1,2,3 and ct4t1-6, photonic time; which forms the basis for our view of thermodynamics being a quantum time which could never be fully parsed, because full parsing would involve breaking it down to the ct4t1-5 and eventually down to ct3,2, then 1.

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