
Sunday, August 18, 2019

stupid fusion investors, investigators and a short chapter

wondering about my weight, thinking i must be blowing out like a balloon.  But no, weighed in today at 175.4 this morning, no progress, but no significant loss/gain.
Yesterday I spent as much time outside as possible in the heat doing the work of a lumberjack, clearing out dead trees.  They are cut down, but not chopped and not all of them are on the street.  There are trash/debris limits, 6 bags and some of these are a couple of stories high.
At least a few of them will need to be cut down, three of them branch out in  way that will make this difficult, but It has to be ready by this Friday.

About the article in this post:
Aut is the key, this is nonsensical.
This article includes these nonsense quotes:
"no one has yet figured out how to make nuclear fusion reproducible on a commercial scale. This has been so difficult to achieve because it’s no easy feat to artificially recreate the extreme conditions like those found in the core of the sun, where nuclear fusion occurs naturall
"magnetic, donut-shaped fusion devices that hold fusion reactions in place so the plasma doesn’t lose its heat or interact with the surrounding materials”) but even the most cutting-edge versions of these devices still have a lot of limitations. “Instabilities in this process (‘disruptions’) allow plasma to escape, reach the walls of the tokamak, stop the reaction and potentially cause irreparable damage to the reactor itself."
Why nonsense you ask?
Because in the accurate quantum environment of AuT plasma is irrelevant, even for the sun, even for fusion bombs.  Yes we have used plasma to get low yield fusion reactions and yes the fusion on the sun is a low yield high heat, high gravity fusion reaction, but that is irrelevant to what is going on in a fusion reaction, indeed the reaction itself should destroy that state of things in a low pressure environment (low compared to the sun's high pressure which is not very low at all); and yet billions are poured into the nonsense techniques while AutT explains how to do it.  Sad or more particularly, stupid.
Yes, you who invest in fusion, you have been called stupid.  While you might say, someone like me looking for money is stupid to call you stupid; I have figured out how the universe operates below the level of thermodynamics, I have shown how to do commercial fusion, that is essentially the opposite of stupid and hence although it is stupid by your standards, but mine it is the baseline for brilliant.  think about it (if you can, har har).

Anyway, on to hollywood.  This is just a first draft, so I am sort of forcing my way through the storyline to get to the big zombie, poison gas, flesh eating bacteria, hurricane filled finalie at which point I can go back and clean tings up.  Yes, this is what geniuses do in their free time.

Chapter 12 hotel room New Orlean (evening)

Action: captain and teacher watching news

 The rain from the storm has started to fall, the surge is coming too, but it hasn’t hit the damn formed by the bridge.  In the lower parish areas, the levee is being topped.
“I cannot sleep on the land.”
“You need to rest.”
“Nothing good ever happens on the land.”
“I’ll hold you,” the beautiful, young, blond haired woman said.
A news broadcaster is standing north of the city showing the levee holding up, but the water pushing over it.
“I cannot hear about my crew or…”
“If nothing has happened yet its too late?”
A banner across the bottom says that the water coming over the lakefront levee has been tested and flesh-eating bacteria was detected.  The state is recommending that people stay out of the water.
Normal problems occur with sewers overflowing but this is something different and should be taken seriously.

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