
Monday, February 8, 2021

Faster than light travel

177.4.  That's quite a bit over my target weight, but not as terrible as it could be. It is worse than it sounds, it was after swimming 2200 yards, yes that is right, i shorted myself 100 yards in the last post; figured it out while trying to get to sleep.

Things sort of fell apart tonight, I was sidelined by one of the Labs that I know would have done something if I could have made a presentation; I found a fatal flaw in the presentation I spent most of today working on.  It is all depressing.
That being said, on the bright side if the presentations work then I can go back with something more specific for the lab and the fatal flaw as found in time which just means cleaning everything up tomorrow and trying again.

It is all very disheartening in a time when I need something to go right and sooner rather than later.  I should not complain, things could be a lot worse and I'm making progress scientifically if not in terms of recognition.  In truth I have some support and there was much positive back and forth on Sunday and the resulting progress will figure strongly into the final project that is fatally flawed.  Better still, the second target will benefit from knowing the flaw in advance.

You can see why it is hard to talk.
I feel like I am constantly being knocked down
But I get knocked down and I get up again
For now that is working
And while the worst of it was the news from the lab, I know they did not take the time to understand what they were looking for and the fact that it made the rounds is promising, if inadequate.  I will get my revenge I suppose, in its due time.

Walking helped, i thought about calling, but it would have been selfish since i just wanted a shoulder to cry on.  Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day.

Another wrong term

Temporary black holes r dimensionless matter stripped of time. Change time to move around universe

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