
Saturday, February 6, 2021

quantum tunneling 3

Saturday dawns cold and rainy.
I had a hard time finding the work I needed but fortunately it was mostly a part of the recent filing and what is not there can be easily replicated, for better or worse.
When the rain stopped, or mostly stopped in my impatience, 
I rode to the office to start on this next stage of work.
It was a rough and uncertain start, but it was a start and i found problems the needed new solutions.
After the difficult swim of yesterday and the bitter sweet walk, today I could do anything or nothing; although nothing leads to a series of nothing.  Nothing does and doesn't exist.
So I rode my bike then I walked and maybe I will do something else tomorrow and maybe I won't.

I am on the home stretch and I have a lot to do; much of it this weekend, some of it next week.
And this started a long time ago
First the universe stripped me of everything.
Then when there was nothing left, it demanded a pound of flesh.
I had no flesh

It remains fascinating to see where I was in the middle of 2013.
It is obvious that you were not there for me, at least for part of it.
What else was missing?
This was a time of great anguish for me, aside from your loss as things continued to fall apart.  And yet I was working on this, my writing and extricating myself from the tar baby that would be so much a part of my life for so long.
Despite being covered in the tar of my failures; 
I was looking at a big picture.

Did I miss the bigger picture?
so it gave me you and took you away.
And I want to know the minutia
the big things, bad and good
But it is hard to look past the need 
to share those things fully
A need we do not have to have
but one I have not been able to ignore
If that makes me less pleasant
I have long been the source of pain
and I couldn't see how much it hurt
It is a fault I've carried for a long time

One would think the last question below is tougher to answer, and yet I answered that one.

Quantum Tunneling 3
why does a larger number of particles have a difficult time since no matter how many particles are in the same place
many worlds hypothesis. parallel universe.
Dark matter-gravitational influence we don't see. 85% of gravitational attraction.
Six times more than electrons, neutrons, protons. Universe made of stuff other than those. It is time?
hot and dense are dark matter or just time. wimp (weakly interacting magnetic particle). not neutrinos. Somewhere else=other dimensions.
smallest stuff we see quarks plus electrons.
vibrational modes of string (package of energy)

When you look smaller are you leaving time and going back to the singularity. Since you use more energy to see smaller items (colliders) maybe what you are doing is pushing back into the singularity.

10^33 centimeters (plank length). space and time cease to exist but what replaces it?

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