
Sunday, January 29, 2017

AuT Grant

I'm in a foul mood today.  My editing has gone slowly and the g key on my keyboard has begun to stick for some reason.  Perhaps it is being confronted with my failings as a human being.  Failins as a human bein is how my keyboard wants to type it.  

I'm goin (going) to chat about reliion (religion) briefly since we apparently are going to ignore the constitution in the US and since its Sunday and since I want to pick a bone with somethin (something) today.
First, my math tells me that man-made religions are unsupported.  That doesn't make them wrong, it just puts them at odds with my theory.  The idea of "faith" requires true self determination and it is an old story that any god worth its pillar of salt could define faith and AuT provides a mechanism for that which leaves no room for randomness, entropy or the like.
Bill Maher has a problem with the muslim religion in particular, the one thing he agrees with Trump on.  Religion makes for strange bedfellows.  But the idea of singling out one religion is both appropriate historically, and logically flawed.
Let me state again that I am not unreligious, I merely don't believe in manmade gods and have problems with the concept of god in any historic sense.  My investigation is designed to explain in logical terms what is otherwise accepted.  No god can make sense in this type of investigation because a god presupposes a higher state of organization existing spontaneously.  Granted in an entropy free environment, this is more likely; it remains the great flaw in the origin of the universe which has nothing to do with a manmade god.
So how do we deal with superstition with all of its problems and benefits?  I think a scale of superstitious beliefs is logical, but not adequate.  That is the trump/maher plan.  Education is also helpful, although education requires accepting a type of faith, the faith of logic.  As AuT points out, correctly or not, what we accept as science is not fixed.  Indeed, all science pre AuT is essentially wrong under the standard of AuT.
I think the idea of seizing the day because there is no faith in tomorrow (carpe diem in part) makes as much sense as any religious philosophy; but it's irresponsible.  Perhaps that is the source of my foul mood.  I failed and continue to fail to live for the day, often not knowing what I do what I do; instead trusting to the same type of imprinting that leads to the blind acceptance of religious dogma.
You'd think the religious would have similar...regrets?  

Physics is more simple.

            This short presentation yields a better understanding of space-time, energy and physical structure than anything that came before it.  Besides answering fundamental questions such as the nature of the big-bang and the structure of black holes, it points out the fallacy of huge expenditures looking for things which do not exist as such, for example the “higgs boson.”
It also holds the promise of information concerning the absence of true entropy suggests the possibility for extreme results, anti-entropy and possibly and anti-gravity features to the universe which could provide immense value.
AuT happens to be the best bet for building floating cars, faster than light travel and freezing things in a suspended state.  It may not produce a floating car or a transporter or immediately change the world, but if there are floating cars and transporters in the future, this work will be attached to it.
            There is no need for expensive equipment or new tests because all of the data required to refine AuT already exists.  The idea is that other theories have misread the data so that applying AuT to existing information will yield the results required.  For example, black hole data is merely the data of the next higher coordinate change state for time from matter.  Likewise, space is nothing more than the lowest time coordinate state and hence the studies of space, energy and matter already conducted contain the data necessary for an analysis of AuT.  
1.    A universe of converging series: The universe is defined by math that yields solutions to compressing and decompressing converging infinite series which math can be defined by a single variable algorithm defining sequential stacking of quantum moments.   One model which seems to match observations is defined by the linear-F-series (FIBONACCI series) in an infinite expanding series which is balanced against an ongoing compression of information states in the form of an infinite compressive series.  While simple in concept, its application yields complex results.  The simplicity is illusory, but to the extent it is too simple, the principles of Occam’s razor and Leibniz’s provide an explanation: “when you have two competing theories that make [the same predictions], the simpler one is the better.  Here, this theory stands alone and complete, it just happens to be no more complicated than it needs to be.

These appear to have basic features:

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