
Saturday, January 28, 2017

AuT-random thoughts on Volume 1 as an intro

I'm editing a hard copy, at last.  30 single spaced pages, with several drawings.  I think I'll publish this as "the intro" to the 4 or 5 books covering AuT which will render Spirals irrelevant.  That process will take a few months due to the necessary changes.  Don't worry, it'll be pretty inexpensive since it only qualifies as a short story.  Maybe I'll package it with an edited copy of the zeno-socrates dialogs.  I like that story!
I'm thinking about putting some of my romance novel in here.  The blog, not the physics book.
I'd ask for votes but no one, even though this is read literally all over the world, ever comments.  Not, you're insane, you're brilliant, what's your pancake recipe.  Nothing.  Maybe the soft porn of a romance novel would get a rise out of you, ha ha.
And yes, those are blueberry, banana, pecan pancakes.  If you had spent the night with me that is what you would be eating also.  You don't have to feel bad about this as the blueberries were mostly molded, something which is not called for in the recipe. If I die during this blog post it will be up to you to finish my work.
I have the weekend to do this. Like all monumental tasks of editing (don't be dramatic it's only 30 pages and has been rewritten half a dozen times already), it was preceded by changing all the filters out in the house, massive amounts of outdoor labor and organizing until, at last, the cold and bad weather drove me in and, there being no more filters to change, there was nothing left but breakfast and this editing job.
Oh yes, in my other blog I spend a great deal of time talking about my ration of coffee, now that I think about it probably more than I spend talking about anything else, and there it is.  In case you wondered.  A small cup of coffee, now a half cup of coffee.  You did that to me.very sad,"somewhere in the world someone has solved the secrets of the entire physical universe and because of you he can only drink a half cup of coffee.  For only a few dollars a day you can fill this cup.  Please give generously."
Time to get to work.

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