
Thursday, January 12, 2017

AuT-post publication update 2

Whohoo!. Received my proofs 7 days early, but not to worry I managed to get the book published anyway.  I already found some mistakes, that is a post (from here) that wasn't edited around page 134.  It's not really critical, I was exhausted when I wrote it and the concept is right but the math is all wrong.For the theory to be consistent there must be a mathematically constant connection between F-series stacking and information theory.  Fortunately, that relationship exists.
That is all that section needed to say, anyway, but the idea is the 2^n information based model within the system is the number of places 1,11,111,1111,etc for the n "number of states changing at once."  That's all there, by the way, but when I did the math on it I failed to take into account that it's z=2^n and then f(series-n)^z.  The way I wrote it out gave the wrong result and I sort of knew this all along but when I was editing, well it just stayed there.  I think I got to that section (pretty far into the book in my defense) and I just skipped over it hoping I'd gotten it right the first time.
Amusingly I'm going to publish the second book if the 5 book series romance/porn series I'm writing with a friend of mine next week.  That is a sign of the same type of balanced/converging infinite series.  Einstein made his "most important book ever published in physics" from a practical or a philosophical point of view" and was run out of his native country.  That may or may not be right for my book (odds are it's right of course that's because of you too), but there is balance that I'm also writing what is probably pornography to someone who will never read it.
I greatly appreciate the readers of this blog, however you end up finding it.  I have tried to make it worth your while without too much sarcasm.  I know you don't appreciate the pompous style of my writing and for that I apologize.  I am not a pompous person, realizing (1) that no one will fully appreciate this work because of me (2) that all glory is fleeting especially in my universe.  But this is something rare.  You, whoever you are, are reading this all over the world.  Why?  It's an event.   That's what this book is.  It is an event!
It isn't as radically new as it could be and it doesn't have all the blanks filled in (obviously neither did Einstein's work on relativity); but it defines the origin of space time as well as force in its various guises.
While simple in concept, its application yields complex results.  The simplicity is illusory, but to the extent it is too simple, the principles of Occam’s razor and Leibniz’s excuse this: when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better.  Here, this theory stands alone and complete, it just happens to be no more complicated than it needs to be.
This book is not a positive work.  While it is an accomplishment, a feat even, its very definition of the background of the universe ensures it is just part of a converging series that consumes all of us.
It didn't even seek to eliminate space-time at the location where it was eliminated, that just happened to be a result.

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