
Monday, January 16, 2017

AuT=pp delays

There is only one post left in this series. I may add one post script post, but the end will be here soon enough.
For reasons you can figure out, I didn't have time to edit it today,I'm too distracted to do it tonight..
I'll probably have an opportunity to do that tomorrow or when I wake up in the middle of the night.

I want you to know that I looked for that blog once, a long time ago.  I wonder if I looked in the wrong place, the wrong name or what.  I wish you'd share it.  It's a lot to ask and the reasons to ask are as obvious as the reasons not to share it.
For those of you wondering what that has to do with the price of tea in china, i'd warn you that the long term strategy of china takes their sphere out to the arc islands that include Hawaii and that will certainly affect things other than the price of tea.
There are many things I would add if I could figure out a reason to add them, but meaning has been drained out of all this, at least for now.

A long time ago, this inquiry was directed towards Zeno's paradoxes.  Since then I"ve written a novella or short story about Zeno and have decided that my work dates from Parmenides, but before that it had to do more with the similarities between my solutions and those from Zeno, which I didn't know until someone told me.  Of course, I take my directions from someone else, it might be said that i transcribe this work, after a fashion.

But these posts have a paradox and for lack of a better name and for you or to you perhaps I call it Greg's paradox even though its more of an explanation than a paradox.

The exact nature of this Greg’s paradox can be described as the difference between two quantum states defines quantum separation by comparison which comparison leaves less than quantum distances between solutions.

That could be worded more carefully and is given more carefully in other places but for the moment, it is something to ponder in light of the prior posts until the final post or two is put up.

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