
Monday, January 23, 2017

AuT pp Grantinfo 4-leap

So here I am again.  I keep track of my exercise on my other blog.  I immediately started thinking about things in a universe with a model that calls for illusory coincidence and which necessarily brings things back together, irony and coincidence are explained as is repetition (a universe where each state is built on a prior state embodies repetition and intersecting and diverging spirals suggest recurrence and to some extent separation followed by...what?  redemption?)
It's a little unfair to have these conversations.  So there's a lot to cover between now and the weekend.  If we're not to be crazy, then what are we to be?  That will come later.
Understanding all of this will come later, maybe.  It's a leap of faith.

Broader Impacts :

The narrow and immediate impact of the grant is to continue to define the fundamental structure of the
universe in more detail based on the broad concepts of AuT.   A broader concept
is to show in broader mathematical terms what we observe.  It not only yields a better understanding of the universe, but may have far reaching impacts in our ability to manipulate time and space.

I.            INTRODUCTION to the Investigation Theory

            Algorithm Universe Theory (AuT) in a paragraph: The basics of Algorithm Universe theory, and of this inquiry, are (1) All linearity is the result of conserved time coordinates changing in a time free, dimensionless state, (2) that this state can be represented by a single variable algorithm, and (3) that space and time occur as a result of the relative changes between different concentrations of information, the results of sequential solutions to that algorithm.
A corollary is that dimensional aspects of the universe and forces (dimension, energy, gravity, clock time) are created in (a) conserved, (b) consecutive, (c) exponentially separate quantum state groupings based on the accumulated solutions of prior time states and an evolving definition of curvature.
A new vocabulary was developed to describe these features:
AuT explains the origin of space time and quantum theory for the universe.  It is specifically the study of fixed quantum coordinates as the origin of all space-time phenomena.

Methodology: This undertaking began by looking for relationships between different observed phenomena and then locating flaws in poorly explained phenomena.  Models were developed from observed phenomena on gross (universal) scales and micro (quantum) scales.  The result was the determination that the universe is made up of offsetting expanding and contracting infinite series algorithms built on prior solutions to give the impression of linearity in a quantum system.

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