
Thursday, October 12, 2017

AuT Another example: Time Dilation Part 1

It is sad that I will die in a ditch, like Poe instead of Twain, like Motzart and not Beetoven.  They will dig up my work and say, why he figured out the universe first!  Imagine that, in a world where teenagers own yachts, the most brilliant theoretical physicst of all time starved for lack of consideration.  A blind man in a ditch. What a strange world we live in, and, of course, we knew that all along.  Such a pity, perhaps I would have paid a half penny to hear him speak, to have read one of his books when it was initially written. If I'd have been in a particularly good mood, I might have given him my leftover stale crust to ease his starvation.  But alas, I did not.  Or whatever.  I think perhaps the physicist in the gutter protests too much.

We spoke in the last blog about -1.  Everything is built on -1.  The broken down equations for pi prove this to be the case (book 1).  Even the higher curvature equations rely on this.
What we have determined is that there is pre-1 state which we call zero or nothing but it is g-space.  It has no size because size and time don't exist.  It is not space, because space is build from pi(0)'s relationship to pi(1) and ultimately it is ct1 which is a pi(1) state.
Pi(0) is a post nothing state, however, because it is not built on zero, but on -1.  So our first definition of pi is not truely pi(0) it is merely a pure -1 derivative without the baggage of positive numbers which mathematically are not even positive, but are instead "not negative".
What we have is "not nothing", -1; and not negative one, 1.  This is the true origin of our thermodynamic illusion that we call o-space.
These are not philosophical differences.  You who are saying, 'semantics' or 'babble' should have your head tapped with a sliderule.  These are fundamental concepts that define the transition at the first level from g-space to o-space.  It is genius, but only in context with the dervation of true pi and curvature which has been done within this blog and is a feature of books 1-4 in its various forms.

So i can make salads with onion
And no one will care
for that is what I eat
my last meal perhaps
an onion salad
there is no one to disappoint
no one who cares about the cold scraps
that even a cat wouldn't eat
which makes my lonely meal

you've ruined everyone else for me
and yet you complain
because once i let you down
a thousand sunrises
I woke unhappy
unable to hold onto oblivion
knowing you slept
late in someone else's arms

there was no one
there could be no one
who could make me forget you
i turn to my poetry
you cannot take that
buy your poetry is different
perfect lips and body
even your sneer is beautiful
the perfect lover
who no one can forget

but that i could seek solace
in idle superstitions
blind myself to science eyes
but even when i think gods house
i want to be there with you
for how could it be gods house
if you were not there
you who embody
every greek sybil
every pagan demon
that can be embodied
by beauty alone
and just the right amount of evil
you could love
like i do

What can I do
I can't excuse myself
anymore than you can
the difference is
I am bent and ugly
to reticient, unsure
knowing only in death
will i be perfect
only in retrospect
for i embody futility
in my actions, my theories
my certainty
and even so
i do not try
to do the impossible
forget you

Anyway, this section is a little longer so I'm breaking it because I can.  Want to read faster?  Buy the books.  Or buy some of the other stuff i've republished.  It's pretty good.  I wish I had more time to write, so much to do I have to pick things and abandon others.

Another example: Time Dilation

EQUATIONS: Why does CT4 disappear approaching the speed of light (time dilation)
          The one paragraph summary:  If the change in time coordinates is conserved, then as you increase the change along one set of time coordinates, the other time coordinate changes must decrease.  Standard clock time is the perceived change in three coordinates when observed by having a fourth time coordinate from which to observe the other three.  Therefore, acceleration in three-dimensional space decrease the ability of the fourth coordinate to change, decreasing the amount of change perceivable from this perspective.    This translates into relative quantum movement along information arms by lower ct states (one state lower).
          This indicates that perception does not move from one coordinate to allow perception of three dimensions.  There is no reason for a fixed time dimension; only that one coordinate change allows the view of three others.  A non-state, the information arm/carrier allows for a perspective based on the potential for compression or decompression in the mathematical solution. Dimensional analysis is irrelevant.  Things “remain” in place despite the number of simultaneous changes because the overall change is conserved.
          Time dilation generally follows the rule that the more speed, the less history and the more history the less speed which is exactly what was shown with time dilation.  This has to do with shared vrs substituted lower ct states. (1) If the minimum size for ct4 (one lasting for 1x10-37th of a second) is a ct3 carrier with a length of 10^2^4 and if this reflects a change relative to ct1 of 10^2^4*6^2^3*4^2^2 and (2) if there is a substitution for velocity between states based on changing ct1 for another length at the maximum rate of 1:256 (ct1 to ct2) then one can see: a) Stability is offset by speed and b) speed (substitution of ct1 at a maximum rate of 1:256) is directly proportional to the comparative rate of change between ct4 and ct3 (i.e. as the carrier gets longer, the substitution rate goes down slowing the velocity AND changing the ration of ct3 to ct4 thereby changing the amount of time dilation which is the ratio of ct3 change to ct4 change in this instance because of the stacking formula.

          There are factors: 1) The underlying ct1 base length that defines when a given ct1 state and its dependent compressed states will shift from positive to negative (change polarity); (2) ct1 substitution rates along the length of the various information arms tied to item 1; (3) higher state sharing within high ct states which is also associated with movement along transitional information arms for the next higher state.

And last, but not least, because my poetry doesn't embody the beauty of prose that I want to share with you, despite what you don't want to share with me.

where to live, from out of doors to the holy land
Tall trees arch above the road; white balconies gleam through the foliage; the murmur and the laughter of flowing streams surround us. The railroad and the carriage-road meet and cross each other down the vale. Country houses and cafés, some dingy and dilapidated, others new and trim, are half hidden among the groves or perched close beside the highway. Poplars and willows, plane-trees and lindens, walnuts and mulberries, apricots and almonds, twisted fig-trees and climbing roses, grow joyfully wherever the parcelled water flows in its many channels. Above this line, on the sides of the vale, everything is bare and brown and dry. But the depth of the valley is an embroidered sash of bloom laid across the sackcloth of the desert. And in the centre of this long verdure runs the parent river, a flood of clear green; rushing, leaping, curling into white foam; filling its channel of thirty or forty feet from bank to bank, and making the silver-leafed willows and poplars, that stand with their feet in the stream, tremble with the swiftness of its cool, strong current.

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