
Friday, October 13, 2017

AuT Time dilation part 2

There will be no great disclosures in this post.  It has its sections, given without spirit or insight.
Whatever hopes there were for it earlier were broken as the needs of the moment were dealt with today, the difficulty of perceived reality, the disappointments inherent in a world worth living in, one that is asymetric, hiding the boring symetry beneath.
I had to deal with poverty, health and love; important in reverse order.
The poverty was that of aggravation, unnecessary in my case, but which had to be faced regardless.
The health was many sided.
My eyes, aside from being blured, now have transparent snakes dancing before them, making the swims eel like, but giving every surface the appearance that fast moving bugs go over them.
I was too tired and too thwarted to exercise, my once strong arms look like withered sticks to me.
What could have made today worth living?
If I could be held by you or if you would leave my scarred mind so I could lie contentedly with someone else, I could, perhaps find some false peace; but that is impossible.  It matters not what you did, what I do, there is no peace without you, sleep is too painful if I know I wake up and you are not there.  Better to lie awake and slowly go insane.
I await the next act, the next axe, the next asp, the rip, the burial plot, some permanent darkness that will dull the pain; for it is hard to believe even death will fully cool the pain of harsh words, the absence of your touch, of hope.  is it unfair to torture hope by clinging to it?
It rained incessantly this evening, despite there being no clouds for it till late, coming as they did like some magical fog from the air so humid you can barely breath it and which seems like it could support frogs, fish, perhaps even turtles in its lazy movements until it could no long hold the water and it turned to the torrential rains that come day after day, breaking only to remind you of what its like when its dry.
The roof, at least not obviously, does not leak, but everything rots with mold.
Where is the promise of fall.  Did it flee with you?
Bitter I feel, but I look around for someone to blame and see only mirrors.  The ancient gaunt faces in them say, act or rot where you stand, grey, ashen seems to hang deflated, as it were melted in the dry fires that beckon me, come to me and bring your bride and I will care for you.  I hear, but stand as if my intellect has fled me leaving me mute and dumb.
Do no grieve for me, be happy for the comparisons to days like today, make all other days joyful, and if I determine I should not hope, then I will be less a man for it.

Before I discuss an article, I wanted to discusss the zeno socrates dialog.  I'm adding a part about socrates being put in charge of preserving Parminides's notes, an unfair thing, but consistent with the theme of the book and the loss of his poem which will be made to cover the numbers concepts that I have discussed.

I had an image of a richer darkness, one that would accompany some sort of success without you.  It was made gothic, gardens with gates, effective gates, filled with willows and ponds and cooing doves and coming up to stone decks and stone houses with open windows and flowering plants, houses so large that large portions are filled with flies, and dust and a tower with crenellations from which the tower may be protected.  Large enough homes where a stranger can live unknown, undetected except by the disturbed spider webs.  Rooms lit only with the potential held in web covered large candles in tall sticks.  A lonely empty place I had to share with you.

The Guardian: Astronomers find half of the missing matter in the universe.

The idea of finding missing matter raises another question which needs to be answered.  In early versions of this work, I sought to find the missing gravity in space, then it turned out that transitional states made the absence of sufficient mass nearly irrelevant.  The average of inflection points or reversals of state from positive to negative and back in an endless loop meant that spiral features were created as you would have net positive, net negative in such varying degrees that you would essentially see the effect of intersecting spirals, at least potentially, that were originally postulated in the spirals books when the model was too poorly formed to come up with a more perfect model.  Indeed, the observations make this very likely, you don't have "overlapping spirals" but you have vast areas where proximate solutions are so split between postive and negative that they are essentially the same giving rise to the effects set out in those books and leading to the strong possibility that on examination those features will prove effects of the base mechanisms taught in the AuT series books 1-4.   This is, indeed, the next area where writing will recommence in earnest.

We now reach the point in the blog where we return to the section on time dilation, remembering that none of these are rewritten, but remain largely accurate despite the insights that continue to come from a better understanding of fundamental phenomena.

(end part 1)
          The underlying algorithms have no dimension or time (sct).    The transition to the visible dimension and time (sct) occurs as we move from ct1-ct2 along the ct1-ct2 information arm defined as the arm connecting the ct1 state to the next higher ct2 state.  The reason for this has nothing to do with true dimension.  While ct5 would see the world as 4 dimensional, there is no extra dimension.  
The compression/expansion solutions and F-series stacking interaction leading to gravity and anti-gravity effects. 
          The relativity allowed by comparing the non-dimensional ct1 to other states made by the expedient of stacking (1,11,111) information leaves room for the other forces to be developed along the same methodology, creating relativity, while not changing the underlying equations.
          Each "dimension" is nothing more than an information group changing relative to the next lower information group along the individual solutions to the information arms.  Each information arm has two relevant lifespans; 1) the Fibonacci lifespan of the underlying ct1 states defined by f(x) for each change of x for the lifestpan of each quantum point and 2) the quantum length or number of arms defined by 2^n.
          For this reason, any model that discusses dimensional characteristics related to the universe is, to any important extent flawed in the first analysis.
          Concentrated changes (adjacent, shared, ct1 changes) in linearity (gravity) is possible from the ct(4) state over a given set of ct1 states (a location as we view it) over a certain number of changes in x (reflected as a concentrated amount of time).  That is as more ct1 space is squeezed out  of the solution order by the presence of multiple ct4 states exchanging ct1 states between them, we perceive this as more gravity in a given location.  At a set velocity there is more time dilation because the more concentrated the ct4, the more higher states must be shared (as opposed to ct1 state replacement) during any change in x.  That is the vibrational effects must increase (fewer ct1 states because the higher states are being replaced) or the speed (different ct1 states being exchanged) must increase.

          In this way, speed and gravity effects of ct1 solutions in proximity to ct4-ct5 information arms affect it in a proportional fashion.  The effect in any single F(x) solution and results from the change between F(x) solutions based on the shared interface of ct1 and ct4 in adjacent solutions with the same ct1 states increasing concentration through higher state sharing; compared to different ct1 states moving through all the intervening arms to ct4 states creating velocity.  For this reason, velocity can be increased relatively between two ct4 states by increasing the number of ct1 states that are not shared.  While this is just another way of discussing Newtonian and relativistic Physics with the exact same results, one reflects the reality and the other an illusion.  (end of part 2)

From Out of Doors...

"The harvest of a quiet eye That broods and sleeps on his own heart." 
Four things, I know, are unchanged amid all the changes that have passed over the troubled and bewildered land. The cities have sunken into dust: the trees of the forest have fallen: the nations have dissolved. But the mountains keep their immutable outline: the liquid stars shine with the same light, move on the same pathways: and between the mountains and the stars, two other changeless things, frail and imperishable,--the flowers that flood the earth in every springtide, and the human heart where hopes and longings and affections and desires blossom immortally. Chiefly of these things, and of Him who gave them a new meaning, I will speak to you, reader, if you care to go with me out-of-doors in the Holy Land. This is a link to a non-kindle e-book a gutenberg e-book at Macau, an exotic place to find this.

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