
Sunday, October 15, 2017

AuT Velocity Time Diation-part 2 of the lorentz equation

Time dilation is discussed as a problem because there re two aspects of movement that are interchangeable, there has to be some way for this to happen.  AuT allows easily and using formulas already in place to substitute for tiem and dimension.  Before we get to that...

I completed the overview (4 pages long 1805 words) today which is really astounding.  Since it isn't in a book, if I was any type of human being I"d include it here, but I'm no kind of human being so I'll just provide this teaser paragraph and note that if you read all 4 books, you'll basically have everything in the summary.
Don't worry, the summary will be forthcoming, all things in time, or maybe not.  This is the last paragraph and is the one that all pre-AuT physicists "poop on" which is a strange way to react to what one day will be called the greatest physics advance (and most poorly funded) known to man:

While simple in derivation, the results are complex since compression occurs whenever proximate positive and negative solutions are sufficiently concentrated and since the interaction of the different states occurs at such a high rate once time is created (after the initial transition); reverse to at least some extent with every quantum change in the underlying variable x; when space time exists occur at the rate of 1.07X10^37 changes each second and before space-time at a rate which is time independent and spatially separated not by dimension, but by relative solution order.  Indeed, one of the bizarre suggestions of AuT is that if you start the universe over and over again an infinite number of times, you get US right here right now exactly as we are every time.

Perhaps, that is the way to do this, to put all the sections in backwards, yet another thing to slow down the overall process.

Here's a little something on lifestyle.  I like it because it basically says on one day out of 7 you can do whatever you want.  If only.

Let's talk about a section on time that was written...some time ago.  Ahh, still a pun or two.

Time is the visible reference to two prior time states in any single state built on the prior two
unlike in pre aut math, aut supersymmetry means you cannot have even microscopic symmetry on a molecular scale-can.  you can, predict in theory where things were with x-1 but making that change would require changing back the entire universe.  you would be back in time ignorant of the fact you had gotten there because all of the features of that time would have to be returned including your memory.  
Hence there is no time based symmtery other than supersymmettry
t go back b/c matrix would be different even if you could take into account reltive position.
the idea behind expansion even though a lot is made every second is that it must come from breakdown of higher ct states into space.  likewise, you must have build ups of higher ct states as decompreessing universe changes to a compressing one.
Conservation rules are likewise inaccurate because of the lack of conservation of history, it builds continually.  The idea of conservation of other features is tied to the interwoven nature of event and teh fundamental carriers are so remote from their nexis and so tied into the web of interlocking points at ct4 that spontaneous changes are unlikely except over extremely long period of time.
Hence some consistency  is built into the system, but overall consistency is impossible.
who said not enough evidence to flog a cat-relative to mata hari

Oddly, here is quote from the same place:  "This country founded by oligarchs and slavers."  Not sure that has much to do with anything other than to acknowledge that we all come from humble beginnings and need to take even the most nobel of memories and sentiments with a grain of salt.

Here is the section from which the name of this post is based, velocity based time dilation:

Velocity Time dilation
Using binomial expansion, we get to a novel result.  Using N for the Numerator
Velocity is a substitution of ct1 states at a maximum rate of 1 to 256 for ct2 (presumably at a higher rate photons turn into time/space independent ct1).  This rate is less, resulting in a slower speed for higher states.  The 1:256 can be substituted for c in the equations given giving them a quantum basis and an upper limit and v can also be replaced with a substitution value based on the timing of the solution from x=1 to infinity.  This is not a clock time solution, but is, instead a non-time based solution which changes and is specifically only the sum of the prior two universes although the entire history is preserved through this sum process which ensures the total amount of information increases and that the universe must “move” or change with each change in the value of x.  The values compared for different values of x are fixed linear solutions without multiple dimensions although relative timing of the solutions allows a conversion back to dimensional space.

All the afternoon and all the next morning we wander through the ruins, taking photographs, deciphering inscriptions, discovering new points of view to survey the city. We sit on the arch of the old Roman bridge which spans the stream, and look down into the valley filled with gardens and orchards; tall poplars shiver in the breeze; peaches, plums, and cherries are in bloom; almonds clad in pale-green foliage; figs putting forth their verdant shoots; pomegranates covered with ruddy young leaves. We go up Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land, by Henry Van 90 to see the beautiful spring which bursts from the hillside above the town and supplies it with water. Then we go back again to roam aimlessly and dreamily, like folk bewitched, among the tumbled heaps of hewn stones, the broken capitals, and the tall, rosy columns, soaked with sunbeams. The Arabs of Jerash have a bad reputation as robbers and extortionists; and in truth they are rather a dangerous-looking lot of fellows, with bold, handsome brown faces and inscrutable dark eyes. But although we have paid no tribute to them, they do not molest us. They seem to regard us with a contemptuous pity, as harmless idiots who loaf among the fallen stones and do not even attempt to make excavations.

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