
Saturday, October 14, 2017

aut-time dilation lorentz equation part 1

This will be a long post broken into several parts.
The first part is short and is as follows:

Time dilation (the Lorentz equation in NLT theory):

Velocity has to be absolute and AuT defines how and why “true change” as opposed to relative velocity is absolute no matter what starting point is used and free from relativistic effects between two ct4 bodies.

There are two forms of time dilation that need to be reconciled for this different approach using the formulas from Pre-AuT physics.

The end

I swam 2500 yards and walked the dog in a sunlight that hurt my eyes terribly despite dark glasses.
The swim was better than I hoped.  I swam a little early, the air and water was still cold from having fallen from the sky, if a little murky.  The cold water stirred my body to action and cooled my fevered mind.
Do you know what it means when you fantisize about winning the lottery and what you will do and realize the money is not a part of it at all?  What if the money is actually a hinderance to your desire?  That is what love is.  I know that feeling.
In the background, it is late at night, dogs are howling, destroying the peace.
Earlier, as I swam, there was a searing hot peace, the yard was filled with yellow and orange butterflies, taking advantage of global warming to take their time migrating south.  The yard is, fortunately, still home to some wild flowers on bushes, the small multi-colored ones.
Butterflies are unusual, moving surprising fast with almost no movement.
I wonder if you find comfort in my absence, I cannot,
So I tuned into a new station, Gordon Lightfoot also known as the "just shoot me" station. But it fits my mood.  
In my dead father's house there was a pictue of an old man with a bowl and a loaf of bread in front of him, his head bent in prayer.  I realize now, later in life, that this was a picture that my father saw himself in.  I know the prayers did not bring him peace, perhaps it was forgiveness he sought.  It would be nice to think that he was in heaven, but my beliefs make that unlikely.  While it is entirely possible for there  to be a universe where people are resurrected based on the mathematial system in AuT, why on earth would a god reward people for acitng in a pre-programed fashion in worship to one of several historically pre-programmed messangers?  It would be rewarding or punishing people for being subject to physics.  if god is responsible for the equations of AuT then all men of every belief or disbelief are following the dictates of god.  Would the god of irony give the heaven and hell of everyone separately or perhaps everyone experience both the heavens and hells of one another?  There is, unfortunately or not, no specific place in the algorithm for an after life except tthat the information remains.  Just as time travel is inconsistent with a single variable algorithm, so too is the afterlife.
A vignette on our missed past.
The park where I walked in the late afternoon heat (listening to the "just shoot me" station), beffore it gave way to the shade of the setting sun and a breeze, was filled with single parents and their children, cameramen and their models, and the crazy people who are regulars  in the park, riding a solitary bike or rocking on their heels, seeing things I cannot see, some with guardians, some without.  
Earlier I saw a bent old man on a bike, living off of hot dogs and baloney sandwitches, I felt most sorry for him because he worked and lived a tough life, but could not give up.
I thought about the pious man in the picture, who ultimately did.
But I want to tallk about a different past and the single parents spending their visitation with their children in the park.  if I'd stayed would we have been together with children at the park, trying to make memories until the next week. Did you see or look for that, think about it?
The walks bring me closer to the past.  Promises rose to the tip of my tongue unspoken lest they be lies.
I stopped and looked out over the lake from a wooden pedestrian bridge, a few dark clouds marred the otherwise blue sky, but were not out of place, promising night relenting from the heat.  The water was peaceful, the trees rose on either side of the spillway that drained the lake, making me mindful that once this place had truely been a vale between two low hills, how beautiful and wild it must have been in the winter, too hot to be civilized in the summer.
I wonder if you write me letters in your mind when you walk, day dreams or curses.
Do you understand staying out of the way, so you can love?  Do you understand that some things are more important than winning the lottery to me?
Do you understand the differnce between striving for dreams and giving up on them?  Do you understand how wrong it is to hold out hope and do you think that means I can't work towards things I can't rely on?  That you cannot rely on?
Is it late enough now, have you taken or passed on the opportunity for passion?  Or is it too early yet, an interference?  Do you think I can feel, the son of that sadly pious man who shared his mind with the lonely man in the picture, praying before he broke his solitary loaf?
Life is a muddle and I must be silentl lest I interfere with the lives fluttering around me like the migrating butterflies.

From out of doors in the holy land:
It was here, on these pale, green waves, that He sat in a little boat, near the shore, and spoke to the multitude who had gathered to hear Him. He spoke of the deep and tranquil confidence that man may learn from nature, from the birds and the flowers. He spoke of the infinite peace of the heart that knows the true meaning of love, which is giving and blessing, and the true secret of courage, which is loyalty to the truth.

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