
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

AuT justification

There is a reason you are reading this.  Those of you who understand what you are reading, not those who are merely waiting for me to start typing the same sentence over and over, "All work and no play make Greg a mad physicist."

But whether I am mad or not is of no consequence, for what I have already done is done and done again.  It is a finished thing.  
AuT is the only true theory of quantum mechanics because it changes the universe with quantum changes.  all others merely pretend.  A single variable universe is so different from everything else, it is true quantum change, not the charlatans that I have to deal with.

I did not swim tonight, couldn't have safely, lightning and all that.  I did the stair machine for 20 minutes and lifted weights, a blech work out, 13 minutes too short and not enough reps.  Did you ever hear of the person who quit?  Neither did anyone else.

You need to know that.

The post is short so I'm going to include something from the next edition.  This is pretty important in the rewrite of the first section.

The suggestion:

The suggestion is that space (ct1) arises before time from the transition/compression (positive or negative) from ct0 to ct1 creating the underling f-series carriers which lead to transitions between “matter and anti-matter or gravity and anti-gravity” type phenomena in higher states but which are “dormant” in space.
          This transition creates a quantum carrier defined by the ratio of 32/27 which when broken down and subjected to logarithmic differentiation (done below) yields the basic f(n)^2^n equation in the form f(1)log(1+1) where n=1.  The underlying carrier ensures in some fashion that this basic compression equation is maintained in higher compression states.
          Since all forces are transitions along the “carriers” gravity and anti-gravity arise from the movement from ct1 to ct2 (space to photonic states).  This suggests that all forces (in this case photonic force) arise from the next higher compressive state which appears likely given the pre-photon nature of magnetism and nuclear forces.  AuT looks at force different from other physics because it is a “true” quantum theory meaning that the universe exists in quantum states, the entire universe, not just the individual points.

The discussion:

Do you understand at all the importance of what you are reading, how irrelevant it makes everything else, it is the physics of the post apocolyptic world.  It would have been hidden for several generations if not for...what?  Passion?  Love?  Madness?  Yes, I think that is it, love, passion and the madness they bring into the world.  

The theory of irony, converging series, infinitely trying and failing to achieve some end, constantly rocking between postive and negative results which themselves are misleading, positive being less than a thing, negative be the opposite of nothing, not the nothing of zero or less than zero, but merely the opposite of zero.

And what is Love but the opposite of nothing, created in the furnaces of Passion and what is madness but the loss of love.  I must reach out to you, I have no choice, I am mad with passion...with love.  Yes, that is what it is, the only true theory of quantum mechanics, madness.

From Out of Doors in the Holyland, I near the end of it.

The landscape grows wild and sullen as we ascend; the hills are strewn with shattered fragments of rock, or worn into battered and fantastic crags; the bottoms of the ravines are soaked and barren as if the winter floods had just left them. Presently we are riding among great snowdrifts. It is the first day of May. We walk on the snow, and pack a basketful on one of the mules, and pelt each other with snowballs. We have gone back another month in the calendar and are now at the place where "winter lingers in the lap of spring." Snowdrops, crocuses, and little purple grape-hyacinths are blooming at the edge of the drifts. The thorny shrubs and bushes, and spiny herbs like astragalus and cousinia, are green-stemmed but leafless, and the birds that flutter among them are still in the first rapture of vernal bliss, the gay music that follows mating and precedes nesting. Big dove-coloured partridges, beautifully marked with black and red, are running among the rocks. We are at the turn of the year, the surprising season when the tide of light and life and love swiftly begins to rise.

And lastly, the little secton from the paper, no so different from what you are reading, so much more, converging on the solution which I already see so clearly.


            This short presentation yields a better understanding of space-time, energy and physical structure than anything that came before it.  Besides answering fundamental questions such as the nature of the big-bang and the structure of black holes, it points out the fallacy of huge expenditures looking for things which do not exist, for example the “Higgs boson.”

The absence of true entropy suggests the possibility for extreme results, anti-entropy and possibly anti-gravity features to the universe which could provide worthwhile applications.

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