
Monday, October 16, 2017

AuT Time dilation 3 or 4

Did you miss me?  I know it hasn't been long, but it seems like forever to me.  It is super lonely here sometimes, but in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make, at least according to some beatles song.
I surprised myself by finishing, inadequately in some cases perhaps, the highlighted edits and I plan, well in advance of the 12/7 deadline to submit a grant request.  The theory is much advanced by the exact equations giving rise to space as we see it and the F-series/exponential equations.  Perhaps the thrust of the research is to determine the exact type of base carrier for converting positive to negative, but this is almost certainly tied to the f series, not because of any magic in the series, but because the F-number allows for the multiple place simultaneous changes (1,11,111,1111) which geometrically is necessary to have the universe compress in the  manner observed; although pre-space independence from geometry and the derivation at the ct0-ct1 interface leave open the possibility for other quantum arrangements and mere unitary (1,2,3,4) variation as opposed to f series variation (1,1,2,3,5,8) would provide the necessary separation to achieve the stability in our universe.   The "creationist" aspects of F-series continues to provide at least a moral reason, just as converging infinite series matched wtih diverging infinite series provides a basis for irony in the universe.  And yet the single change n in the -1^n equation and the additive qualities of the pi derivation point somewhere else and there is a place after ct0 for the F-series to arise; even so, the ct0-ct1 interface is sufficiently alignted with the f-series.
Why is my model more brilliant than anything before?  Perhaps because it is more durable, or perhaps because my love is stronger, you can deny it and cite your earthly evidence, but the truth is in the facts, the theory is painfully accurate, if unsatisfying, sort of like being in a relationship with me.
Let me add a brief personal note.
I did figure out how the geometry of space time works.  It's not all that complicated, but I did it.  You don't have to like it, its a little simpler than I would have hoped for and it's not the complete answer to the question of what happened before spacetime existed, but I figured it out way past the big bang, before space and time existed and how it came to pass that space and time came into existence. It would have been nice if someone smarter had come up with it, someone who you could say, ooo, ahhh, so smart, like Hawkins, maybe, but there it is, its just me.
A single variable changing the entire universe one click at a time is a pretty bizarre outcome and yet it is the only one that really makes sense.  I'm sorry, it's not my fault.

Do you believe in something you've never seen before?
If AuT is all about illusions, aren't all illusions real?

Rather than put a backwards paragraph, because I can, I'm going to take this late in the document section and paste it in its edited form because it raises one of those areas where imperfect understanding continues despite the clarity of AuT.  Maybe you'd like to chime in on it?

It is bizarre to think that most are dazzled by what we think we are seeing when the reality is so much more logical and elegant, if less romantic.
One such close call was... the one electron universe.  This is on point and one wonders how someone could get this close to the truth without seeing it.   The culprits, dimension and prejudice of perspective.  The idea of durable information is also not new, but the idea that information is constantly changing is absent together like an old fashioned adding machine is not properly accounted for in these other models.
          When we write out the derivation of pi, we ask about the constants.  Why 4?  The answer is that 4 is only one in a succession of numbers representing place.  All of the other aspects have to do with the vibrational relationship of -1^x).         Another question that AuT answered is why, when we write out the derivation of pi, we ask about the constants.  Why 4?  The answer is that 4 is only one in a succession of numbers representing place.  All of the other aspects have to do with the vibration relationship of -1^x to single place from which the infinite series are drawn.  In writing out the equations for pi, this is the first portion of the equation for pi in all of its forms, from 0 to whatever.
          The 32/27 for example is a ratio for quantum change between sin(pi0) and sin(pi1).  Since both sin(pi0) and sin(pi1) exist independent of one another, there are three parts to this, sp1, sp0 and the ratio between the two that gives rise to the [2times(f(x))]^(2^x) equation that defines the remainder of the universe.
The ratio representing the carrier difference between ct states and at this level represents the linearity that gives rise to separation (solution order) and at the ct1-ct2 interface it provides the linearity that leads to gravitational phenomena.
          Hidden antimatter, is theorized from other mechanisms of math, but in AuT necessarily transitional states, antimatter and matter, do not balance but change throughout the solution for an universe based on net transitional solutions, at every level, up to whether the universe is expanding or contracting, the amount of anti-matter, is relevant to any inquiry.
          The concentration of electrons in the nucleus might suggest that either electrons or neutrons were anti-matter, but the better concept is that electrons and anti-electrons exist in the nucleus as transitional states under the influence of ct5 carrier effects.  The idea behind this concept is that we have much more information in “overwhelmed anti-matter” than what is disclosed by an examination of the remainder of the universe but that it is in a transition from ct5 to ct4.  This makes a frightening amount of sense.  First, we know the forces involved make the strong force appear like a ct5 phenomenon.  Second, we know that there is a strong breakdown effect in thermodynamics, entropy.  While we know that entropy is illusory from AuT, its presence indicates that there is a breakdown of this proton state, what you would expect during an expanding universe.  Why not a breakdown from a ct5 quantum state (black hole) towards a ct4 state causing the expansion?  It fits very well within the model, gives a basis for the positive vs electron negative result and provides a basis for the strong presence of entropy within the model. 
          Stars represent the active form.  Stars have traditional energy, the breakdown of matter, the movement towards fission instead of fusion, reflected in entropy or expansion of the universe. 
          This requires a mathematical analysis which has to come later.  There is the question in such a case of what is "pure" anti-matter.  What differentiates anti-matter in its form that annihilates (converts to energy and space) matter from degrading black hole stuff?  Is it direction along the transitions of 2^n compression arms?
There are seductive reasons to pursue this.  Orbits might represent teh gradual disintegration of the ct5 state reflected in the release of ct4 phenomena.  The whole idea of electron or matter waves indicates that the existence of matter in its positive and negative forms is little more than transition from higher to lower state solutions.
          Why all electrons are the same?  This is an easier question to answer, electrons are quantum state changes where the information arms are full.  This indicates that transitional states do not have multiple different ways they can go together. The transitional states appear as forces (gravitational, magnetic/electro, strong and weak).  The state itself remains the same but merely appears with a force characteristic between states, although they break down or build as force features.
          So these electrons are the same but appear with the strong and weak force and the various levels give rise to the illusions of quark type particles when instead they are merely transitional breakdowns under circumstances.
          This, however, raises the question, why are all protons the same?  Black holes transition just like electrons do, but the intermediary results between quantum electrons and quantum black holes might appear anywhere along a transition state spectrum.   The initial concept is that they do, the different forms of matter reflect different combinations of transition state effects and vary because there are so many information arm states from which a molecule can derive its base mathematical solutions.  But why not at the proton level?  Why shouldn't the proton be equally confused?  Why should a proton be a plus one all of the time even while the nucleus transitions more consistently with the 32 information arm states?   The initial best answer is that protons represent a solution in proximity to electrons.  Their size represents a matrix based solution perhaps tied to the stepped result (i.e. each step is 2^1 greater than the prior step or less than the prior step).  Likewise, the proton result could be tied to the 2(f(n)) solution which is constant no matter where it appears along an information arm.
          The bottom line is that while the model remains accurate, to use it predictively requires a better idea of what is happening about the quantum state within the matrix of solutions.
          Under this analysis matter is a ct4 state transitioning away from ct5, anti-matter is ct4 states transitioning towards ct5.  When combined, they stop transitioning merely because they break down.

          Why the stunning difference if they are just moving different directions in terms of solution?  Why a difference between addition and subtraction, multiplication and division?  This are necessarily inflection point events.  You don't have "half division" although you can have division along with multiplication, at the point of solution you don't do this in halves. 

Here is the post on Time dilation

Velocity: This shows the “historical” references (3/8x^2) becoming very small in the framework and thereby becoming less of a factor in the determination if these histories are substituted for the more remote aspects of the dimensional analysis.
Gravity: The “historical” references (3/8x^2) becoming very small in the framework and thereby becoming less of a factor in the determination if these histories are substituted for the more remote aspects of the dimensional analysis.
The speed of light (approx. 3x10^8 m/s can be transformed into a change of 1:256 at the ct1 level.

Other writers ask their readers questions, which is where I get my out of doors in the holy land quote for today:

Gerasa was as really a part of God's big world as Shechem or Jezreel or Sychar. It stood in His sight, and He must have regarded the human souls that lived there. He must have cared for them, and watched over them, and judged them equitably, dividing the just from the unjust, the children of love from the children of hate, even as He did with men on the other side of the Jordan, even as He does with all men everywhere to-day. If faith in a God who is the Father and Lord of all mankind means anything it means this: equal care, equal justice, equal mercy for all the world. Gerasa has been forgotten of men, but God never forgot it. Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land, by Henry Van 93 What, then, is the difference? Just this: in the little land between the Jordan and the sea, things came to pass which have a more enduring significance than the wars and splendours, the wealth and culture of the Decapolis. Conflicts were fought there in which the eternal issues of good and evil were clearly manifest. Ideas were worked out there which have a permanent value to the spiritual life of man. Revelations were made there which have become the guiding stars of succeeding generations. This is why that country of the Bible seems more real to us: because its history is more significant, because it is Divinely inspired with a meaning for our faith and hope. Do you agree with this? I do not know. But at least if you were with us on this glorious morning, riding down from the heights of Jebel Osha you would feel the vivid beauty, the subduing grandeur of the scene. You would rejoice in the life-renewing air that blows softly around us and invites us to breathe deep,--in the pure morning faces of the flowers opening among the rocks,--in the light waving of silken grasses along the slopes by which we steeply descend.

What have I seen when I look at the illusions,?  Isuppose I see my reality, I show it to you, what have you shown me?

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