
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

AuT-a pause between places

So many things happened and didn't happen today.
This evening I finally had a chance to pick this up again and I found some things that made me happy and some not so much.  So I worked with the spreadsheet some.  There's a sentence highlighted in yellow if you're the type who likes to read the end of a book first.
Don't read anything into what isn't here, that just means I'm tired and today has taken a lot out of me and given very little.

Unfortunately, I think there is still a fly in the mathematical ointment so all of my numbers are a little suspect.  If I had nothing to do but work on this I could tell you where it is, but instead I just have to say an analysis of the answers shows that something is rotten in Denmark (a reference dear to my English readers, I don't know if I have any actual Denmarkians who read this).  Nevertheless, I'm going to assume they are right insofar as they need to be just as the prior mathematical analysis gave the 32/27 ratio, you'll see  very similar ratio below which is even more intriguing, even close to where I want to be, but there is a simplicity to the results which disturbs me and which is lost during the process several places, maybe skipping places like 1, 2, 3, etc.  It will scare me if instead the skipping is according to an f-series ratio, but that has to wait till I have the resources (this is sinpi skipping from pi-1 to pi of say 15 which would provide the pattern that is in effect if there is one.  That is for a future post, I fear.

It seems if you divide 32/27/8 you get the 8:1 ratio flat out, .148 repeating is the number.  It's also 4/27 for those of you who like numbers.  This interesting number is 2^2 (two squared) over 3^3.
So to get from sinpi-1 to sinpi0 in quantum terms 8 to 1, 1 being the quantum, you go from 2^2 to 3^3 which is very Fibonnacian if you think aboot it (that's Austrailian dialect for my Australian readers).

There may be a reason to look deeper into this as we try to deal with the pi3 ratio and pi4 ratios which are out of whack with the others.  The fac that no matter what the so called "quantum ratio" used, sinpi3 for 1 is equal to it is equally disturbing.  If you look above you see the formula for pi 1, not overly complicated since it only goes out to n/f(fpluspix); but still a pretty involved formulation.

This one is a lot more complicated, 2*y, the pi^(2n+1); again these are not comlicated numbers; dimension is not complicated, if it was, then AuT would come out a lot more complicated whcih it isn't.  But the idea that no matter what you use for pi3 ends up with that number is because of relationship of n/fpluspix) to 2*y and ^2n+1.

The idea that you get to 8 to 1instead of 1 to 8 is not as unusual as the fact that you go:
8^2, 8^1,8^0 as you increase pi-1,1,2 then you have that werid 3 thing and get back on track to 1/8 and presumably you are headed after another weird number to 1/64 although when I tried it it did not work out that way.

As I mentioned, what is important in these equations is not the numbers for higher values of pi or sin, but instead to have a model, when made durable, gives you a f(n)^2^n result.  Where we're at right now is a 2^2/3^3formulation

2 is the f series for 1, 3 is the f series for 2 (0,1,1,2,3,5)
2F(1)^2^1=16=2f(n)^(2^n)=2f(n)^n+1 for n=1 which is the derivation we are looking for and its on track with

The backwards paragraph from the summary
AuT looks at force different from other physics because it is a “true” quantum theory meaning that the universe exists in quantum states, the entire universe, not just the individual points.  Force is an effect and not a driver.

And, from out of doors in the holy land, going back and forth in time.  As I noted much earlier there was a theory, proposed in 1940, that there was only one electron going forward and back (as a positron) in time which is not so far off from the AuT theory, but it is time and dimension based making it so much post Einsteinian foolishness although at least it was on the right track.  Now here is Van Dyke doing the same thing riding a horse in 1908.

We have gone back another month in the calendar and are now at the place where "winter lingers in the lap of spring." Snowdrops, crocuses, and little purple grape-hyacinths are blooming at the edge of the drifts. The thorny shrubs and bushes, and spiny herbs like astragalus and cousinia, are green-stemmed but leafless, and the birds that flutter among them are still in the first rapture of vernal bliss, the gay music that follows mating and precedes nesting. Big dove-coloured partridges, beautifully marked with black and red, are running among the rocks. We are at the turn of the year, the surprising season when the tide of light and life and love swiftly begins to rise. From this Alpine region we descend through two months in half a day. It is mid-March on a beautiful green plain where herds of horses were feeding around an encampment of black Bedouin tents; the beginning of April at Khân Meithelûn, on the post-road, where there are springs, and poplar-groves, in one of which we eat our lunch, with lemonade cooled by the snows of Hermon; the end of April at Dimas

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