
Saturday, October 14, 2017

AuT Time dilation 3

I often time wonder why you're here.
This is like some bizarre public diary/physics class to me.
Only about half of what I write is accurate, and that is drowned in  sarcasm, exaggeration, self pity and mathematical missteps.
Maybe now that I provided a non-kindle link to out of doors in the holy land I'll lose all of my readers.
It would be a shame.
The one part of this which appears to be accurate is that, along with a few staggered lurchings in the wrong direction, I figured out how the universe works on a fundamental level; well technically I stole it from I won't say it again, from the Greek muse, but did not the muse divine it from my work?  I dare say that she merely pointed out that I had come up with the same thing that zeno had devined and technically she was wrong there too, or perhaps sought like some (insert suitably frustrated  sexist derrogatory idiom) to misdirect me.   In either case it was Parminides.  Perhaps she knew it all well before me and only sought to make sure that all my future claims of brilliance would be at least partially false, mistakes and exaggerations like everything else in the blog.
But not the mathematics, at least that was mine... no not mine really, a conglomeration of my own making of the work of others, tinker toy einstein, Leo d'Pisa, Hawkins; but not theirs once assembled, my version of their work.  Not even the Muse saw the single variable quantum defining the universe, that is mine; the key being the last one, the one that only a mad man could look out and accept, or perhaps that only a blind man could look out and accept.
But why read this crap when you can get it filtered, devoid or at least nearly devoid of my frustrated rants?  What can I say to you?
Don't go, stay here an let me vent my frustrations at life at you.  Share it with others so I can dilute the pain that yields genius among an ever larger audience.
I no longer have the energy to fight those who fail to recognize my genius, no longer care to except for whatever financial gain might come of being a generation ahead of everyone else in the world, perhaps moreso. 
Don't go.  Perhaps I will lie and promise more insights that I'll forget to write up, or perhaps correct paths that I'll fail to follow.   Perhaps I'll find another book to quote, I wonder if Van Dyke wrote anything else?  I'll start quoting my own writing, I have several books to rewrite, even now, why not here, one paragraph at a time.
The idea of how our numbering system derives from negative one is sort of  new, for example.  It is inherent in the mathematics from book 1, even moreso in the later books, but perhaps in a yard full of dogs jumping and barking on you, you don't appreciate they exist until someone says, "look there is a dog."  Do they suddenly achieve some status?  But to actually put it in words, that "not nothing" is negative one and not negative one is positive one and from that all numbers derive, that is what passes for genius in this blighted abberration of self awareness which causes me so much pain.  How can I know what it is and fail to act on it?
I might as well ask, "How can someone be so perfect for someone else, me for you?" Don't think i don't want you to go in search of love with some other blog.   You could find it here, if you just knew how to look, if I knew how to look.  For all my genius, I don't.

Let's go back to that article (from the prior post):
"measurements of radiation left over from the Big Bang, which allowed scientists to calculate how much matter there is in the universe and what form it takes."  This is why the study of AuT must be continued.  It isn't what is seen, it is instead what we are seeing.  There is a big bang, but it is an inflection point, not some magical, regligious event and its meaning varies according to what it is.  

"Dark matter has never been directly observed and the nature of dark energy is almost completely mysterious,"  Not at all, in AuT.  The explanations are there, with only a very few elements left to be reconciled with the mixture of compression, information arms and reversed polarities in base carrier states.  The features are all there, they need only be polished. 

"The Edinburgh team found the regions between galaxies appeared to be about six times as dense as the surrounding bits of space and when summed up, these gaseous threads could amount to about 30% of the ordinary matter in the universe. "  AuT suggests gradual compression, look at the posts and the books far pre-dating this article.  Again, AuT is predicting solutions far in advance of them appearing, but whereas these are merely looking for things, AuT explains why they will be found before they are located by the scientists.

There is no "baryon problem" in AuT, but what is seen is visible to the science of AuT long before the astronomers confirm it.

The third (and final) piece on Time dilation, although there is another section on time dilation and the Lorentz equation:

.  (end of part 2)
Waves and photons are sufficiently spread out so that the amount of new ct1 is not crowded out.  The amount of new ct1 contacting photons (ct2) is constant since sharing is limited giving them a constant maximum speed relative to ct1.  The same effect is present in ct3 from our vantage point, but from the vantage point of ct3, it is slowed relative to one dimension from ct2 which is why a fixed line (wavelength) is generated.  This “light speed” would also be a feature of ct4 as seen from ct5 with the exception that there would be two “lines” or wave lengths seen as linear (or as a logarithmically defined plane) from ct5 which would see itself as moving slower than ct4,3 and 2 seen to be moving at light speed but with these trailing lengths or planes. 

          When ct1 states are concentrated at gravitational (high ct state) wells, the number of different ct1 states may increase so that the amount of sharing increases or sharing between ct1 states increase so that time slows down.   It is possible that this is ct3 sharing without the transition of ct3 to ct1 first and ct1 back to ct3.  In this way, Velocity is ct1 changing to ct2 changing to ct3 substituting for another ct3 on the ct3-ct4 information arm.  It has to move through all the different arms for there to be a change with the relativistic features (f(n)^(2^n)) being navigated for each change in position so that a great deal of relativistic change is required.  Aging, on the other hand, maybe be seen as ct3 substituting for ct3 along the ct3-ct4 carrier without a state transition required as part which gives the different acceleration vs time dilation features by virtue of the relative amounts of change.

From out of doors in the holy land, the selection is one of several to be found where the writer, a man of religious conviction, finds practical explanation for the occult, something which is common in form with AuT if not in art:

"A number of ruined houses, and a sort of central temple, with a rude flight of steps leading up to it, have been discovered. A portion of what seems to be the city-wall has just been laid bare. If there are any inscriptions or relics of any value they are kept secret; but there is plenty of broken pottery of a common kind. It is all very poor and beggarly looking; no carving nor even any hewn stones. The buildings seem to be of rubble, and "the walls of Jericho" are little better than the stone fences on a Connecticut farm. No wonder they fell down at the blast of Joshua's rams' horns and the rush of his fierce tribesmen."

This is the book being re-written, it will aslo include in a complicated fashion by way of hisotrically looking backwards Fibonnaci, entirely absent in the original, but relevant due to his travels to the middle east, important to the mathematical story.

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