
Sunday, November 19, 2017

AuT-a dark post of dark matter 2

The ability to define time so clearly not as a dimensional element, but as a consequent result like force is one of the strengths of AuT. In doing this, time gets separated from its constituent parts.  History and the future end up more closely related.  This is so important conceptually, that it forms a large part of the second edition of book 4 (coming in time for christmas if I don't die first) and played a large role in The Science of Nostradamas (ditto for at least a crude first edition).  It also requires a little extra discussion here.

The universe changes sequentially and in quantum steps, so that each point "does not" have its own time at the level of supersymmetry.  This departure from Einstein's space time is extremely important, but to understand supersymmetry its necessary to accept that there is a single counter for the whole universe.  For this to be possible, time as we experience it must be different from the underlying quantum time of the universe.

Time is a relative change between different concentrations of information changing along a supersymmetry time.  The future is built from past by virtue of the compression, but a corresponding anti-future (entropy) is built from the breakdown of present.  The interplay between these two "effects" of converging infinite converging and diverging series breaths life into what might otherwise be a static universe.

In compressed states, the breakdown and buildup overlap which gives rise to what is being called the science of nostradamas.  And I am the heir to nosradamas, just as he is the heir to Parminides.

While mathematically possible to determine the future, the math equations would be horrendously complex.  That does not mean that estimates could not be made (Asimov explored this in his Foundation series ) but there are shortcuts possible.

We talk about history repeating itself and aut talks about the universe being governed by irony and both of these are results of different aspects of the infinite offsetting series (IOS).  Irony is built into the system and the closed system loops result in repetition.  Devining the future with specificity is not tremendoustly different from plotting what will happen next while watching two chess players and if the gamesmen are replaced with these two IOS then the game is easier to judge.  The cycles of IOS in the leaky closed system converge on an end which is the end of us.

The insult is inevitable death, but the knife twist is irony embodied in idle superstitions and demigods who plague us.  So I am leading the physicst of our time, in some bizarre shadow cast by the universe lest too much light be cast on AuT.  The algorithm hides like monster clown who knows it can strike with impunity when it wishes rather than cowering like a scared child.  It reserves that fate for us.

Time and history are redefined as constituent parts of the "effect".  There is an "arrow of time" but it has more to do with the development of the universe in converging cycles than with the steady growth of information that x drives.  History is built, but it also breaks down and then the parts are reassembled into the future.     We live in a time of "Net break down."  Unlike other theories, AuT assures a time of building up and compression.  There is no alternative "ever expanding universe," the foolishnes of pre AuT mathematics.

I will be finishing book 4 second edition during the holiday week with luck and trying to polish the rusty duck that is The Science of Nostradamas.

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