
Thursday, November 9, 2017

the science of nostradamus 10

To maintain quantum phenomena at the various stages of representation, the algorithm relies on comparative states

1) For one ct state to change faster than another, it must be due to the relative number of coordinates changing together for state 1 relative to the number of features changing together for state 2.  This separation is the result of compression but has two versions.  One is the pi0 to pi0 ratio, the other is the pi1 to pi2 and greater.  Pi0topi1= f([-1^x plus 2x(-1)^x-1]) and Pi1topi2 and higher=2(f(n)^(2^n).
2) An earlier comparative is net positive vs net negative compression.   You are not comparing the “amount” that something is positive or negative, instead you are only looking at whether the average is positive or negative and that changes at inflection points for different values of x for each ct quantum state, whether intermediary or non-intermediary.  The length of each point in one state vs the other is based on the pi0top1 ratio and increases steadily for each point relative to the next point so that there is effectively a separate x for each data point in the universe and the number of data points in the universe increases with the original x, at least.
3) Yet another ratio is the comparison of quantum points along a quantum length to quantum turns which derives from the pi1topi2ratio.
4) What F-series expansion allows is increasingly complex and long-lasting solutions without additional variable input.  But these solutions are temporary although with steadily increasing net lengths of stability.
The existence of these ratios is reflected in curvature as described below.  They also give rise to inflection points for each point, for each compressed state (as positive or negative), and for the universe as a whole as being expanding or contracting.  For purposes of history, they define whether history is compressing or decompressing, whether there is perceived entropy or anti-entropy.

Chapter 10 Predicting the Future: Nostradmas
Four AM.  A single candle burns in front of me. Michel de Nostradame in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France, born in 1503.  I an 63 years old and I do not have to be a seer in order to know I will die soon.
I look at the candle and the bowl of water beside it.  Is there time to make one last pediction before I die?
I think not.  How many of my ‘predictions’ are true, how many fiction?  You will have to guess at that I do not have time.  I remember how I got started in this business of the future.
I suppose, you could pick many places.  I started it as a jest in my almanacs.  That doesn’t mean I do not have the ancient gift, it only means that no matter how gifted you are and no matter how you have been plagued in life, and I have been plagued literally and figuratively, prediction is a matter of both faith and fantasy.
I have predicted so many things and wonder if any of those will bear fruit.  Already, I am credited with seeing the future with my gests but it has served me well and perhaps it will serve the dark future.
To what god do I turn to in my final hours.  I do not believe it is the christian god that was forced during the inquisition on my family.  Nor is it necessarily the jewish god that my grandfather shared with me.  Nor is it some god in the middle.  If I am no longer Jewish, I am no longer anything else.
I hope that god holds out something for me in the future life that he withheld from me in the past.
It is a family thing, you see my family was Jewish.  We had a jewish name.   before I was old enough to show the courage of my faith and to avoid the persecution of the inquisition that allowed, or perhaps forced to be more accurate, the Baptism of the Jews; my family of lawyers took the safer, low road and we became closet jews and public Catholics.
Where was I, my mind wanders.  If I can write these thoughts down they will be preserved for the future, but perhaps they can be saved no matter what because…maybe I should go back a little.
The Jews in 1500 France were generally learned.  Deprived of their homeland and adrift on a strange continent, they found solace in knowledge.  We are, somehow mathematicians as were our Hindu and Moor brothers.  For some reason god gave the mid-eastern kingdoms religion and science and set them to war against one another.
As a gifted child, I learned astronomy and before Copernicus, you will learn of him when he is born many years from now, figured out that the earth and the lesser planets circled the sun.  That is how I would eventually, in my old age, get into the business of almanacs, like Benjamin franklin who will be born many years after even Copernicus and who will spend time in France leaving his almanacs to his family but both of them are within 200 years of me, I believe.
The spirals of the planets around the sun opened up insights and after years of study I realized something that I dared not share.  But I am too tired to write these thoughts so I am safe, I think, in thinking them.
The future is made of the past, but where does the past come from.  In my wanderings in savage, war torn, medieval Italy, I was able to meet with and study with many different learned men of many different places but it was a woman, the Greek muse, who steered me in the right direction.
I was destitute at the time, I had lost my family to the plague. You think that common, I know, so many had lost so many, but it was particularly ironic for me. For I was a great doctor of the plague years.  My rose petal supplements and my administration of clean water, washing and fast disposal of the dead had saved so many, but the plague had dissipated and I thought it safe to return to italy but while I was gone it resurfaced and took all of my family, my children, the wife I loved so dearly.
I wanted death for myself, my guilt at being gone and I had returned to italy to seek solace or perhaps absolution for my suicide from a monk who I had met, who would one day be pope, but he was off on some pilgramage and I found myself in Pisa waiting for him and that is where I met the muse.  Perhaps that is where my story should start.  Yes, perhaps it should start there...

#quantum mechanics

There is a cheat for me, and it is because I have already written this story and it can be incoproated in what promises to be an intriguing work which you are sharing with me.

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