
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

TSON 15 history repeats itself, why

As book 4 enters its second edition, quantum leaps are being made in the evaluation of time.  Many of these are incorporated into the story, but many of these are new.

This particular "TSON" post deals with one of the well known aspects of history which is known, but until now largely ignored from a scientific bent.

In the next few posts, portions of chapter 1 of the second edition will be included for your edification.  One such section is give below.

AuT suggests the universe is not as complicated as we experience it.  One of the great “weaknesses” of the presentation is that it is not more complicated.  The application of the many “simple” aspects of the universe when solved together give rise to the complex results we experience, but that will be unsatisfying to many who read this theory.
          That being said, if you read this you will have a better understanding of space, time and the other features of existence.  It does not glorify man or god, it merely provides the underlying symmetry of the universe.
          Change occurs in a dimension free environment, but it manifests itself as dimension much as information is stored in one way and projected in another.  This is much like Hologram theory, but it occurs in a dimensionless environment.
          Compression a new way:
In book 3 we looked at the F-series linearity building from a new vantage point.

          Time change can be differentiated relative to the Change in X even though the change in x controls the change in time.
          Ct0 occurs before time which differentiates ct0 changes from higher state time based changes.
Aging is the substitution of ct states within a higher matrix.  Because of the vibrational state of all higher ct states, compression and decompression occur despite the increase in information represented by x and this means that history is built and destroyed.
          What we call time, the building of history, is built and destroyed in this process.  This in turn is reflected where space is compressed and decompressed in an infinite converging series of increasingly large net states of one or the other.  In this way, space and time are connected by the compression and decompression which build and destroy histories built from Fibonacci series.
          The lowest order ct states change together each time that x increases, the adding machine analogy from past posts, all the numbers are put in and x is pulling the handle to add them up in expanding or contracting spirals.
          For example, in ct3, 2x3^(2^3) ct2 states change for every ct3 state, e=mc^2 for ct3 to ct4 states.  CT4 states can age because substitution can occur at a relatively high rate compared to replacement from the cloud of states surrounding the ct4 matrix, although the geometry limits this effect.
          In subsequently higher states, with exponentially higher compression, substitution occurs more often so aging occurs faster until the higher ct states break down, in black holes aging is quite fast compared to velocity.
          Information exchange outside of the matrix is velocity.  Velocity begins with the substitution of 1 ct0 information or ct state within 1 ct1 state.  But this is not true velocity, which only occurs when ct1, space, substitutes for ct1 states within ct2, photons, so that the first substitution is not an effect of distance but instead only provides a pre-velocity effect of solution order.

          At the point where the transition moves from solution order to velocity, substitution occurs along with compression.  The idea is that every point changes at a different rate relative to positive or negative solution state even though all points change at the same absolute rate at the ct0 level.

Chapter -spy

          I am walking down a peaceful tree lined road, with houses along it where people are living normal lives.  It is a warm day, almost balmy but not quite.  It is nothing like home.  At home all of the houses are shells, winter still clings to the land although it is not as it was before. 
          I am hungry, but I was able to buy a loaf of bread without too much suspicion.  What I really need is a ration book, but a person needs to give a lot of information for one of those.  Why, I ask myself, did the embassy not take care of this detail.  I work for fools.  It seems likely that I was not considered important enough to fully equip and certainly no one at the embassy knew my true role.  I am the most highly trained operative from the Soviet Union and I am sent into the field without a ration book, without a way to feed myself.
            The people here are all told to look for spies, stories of captured spies are everywhere, but they are too well fed, there are too many immigrants and refugees for a single man to attract too much attention particularly if his accent is Slavic, like mine, instead of German or Eastern.  I have a beggar’s bowl but I have not used it to beg.  I have money, not enough it turns out, but some.  I am expected to feed myself and return to the embassy from whence I was smuggled as soon as my mission is complete.
          For now, I duck into an empty lot with a tall wall in front of it.  There is a bench like structure in the middle of the lot and going over to it, I find that I can hide pretty effectively there.  It will make a good place to spend the night if it is not too cold and wet.  I have been traveling like this for several weeks, moving farther and farther away from the embassy.
          My training covered the science of Nostradamus, practically it covered the physics behind seeing the future.  The west was too ignorant, too wrapped up in things like religion and free will to believe the future could be written.  Not so for the more practical, dare I say the more desperate Soviet.
          It is not a "theoretical" study nor does it require a working knowledge of what Nostradamus did or predicted.  It did require that physicists who were being ignored in this fat, rich, safe country be courted, but they all wanted recognition and money.  The Soviet was able to take care of at least one of those and once turned, they were able to get them to further develop their work.  The result were a handful of operatives like me.  Those who had the inherent ability to trace events from a seed in the present to a fully developed tree in the future, for it was much like that.
          History and time are not what you think they are.  In order to understand this a lengthy discussion of how the universe works is necessary, but for purposes of my story, it is only necessary that you understand that in a closed system, history repeats itself as it trends towards a particular point.  People are an aberration and hence we represent a substantial deviation from the more sterile worlds that surround us.  Hence, the aberration will grow and grow until it reaches a certain point and then all the people will die.  As it grows, the people will do better and better, coming up with more and more advanced ways to kill each other in the process.  That is something we know back home on a fundamental level. 
          The universe does this.  It grows and grows, but as it grows it develops the means to shrink again and one day it will suddenly, at a single instant, begin to contract again.  It will slow its expansion just as it has ever since it started to expand, but then it will shrink, just as man has been sowing the seeds of the death of all life on the planet ever since he existed though he expands his footprint to a greater and greater extent on this closed system.  Perhaps he will escape it a little.  The rockets being developed by the Germans might be used in that fashion, but they will not save men.
          It is not the evil in men that will kill them, although there is plenty of that, it is the physics that will do it.  They are poisoned for a slow death.
          What we experience as "the future" is the breakdown of the past.  As such a person or a piece of equipment is capable of picking through the information in order to piece together what has already happened from what is and what has happened before.  To understand this you have to accept information in a fundamentally different way, how it builds up and how it breaks down and how we fit into that process at this point in time in the universe.
         Fundamentally the way of the universe is offsetting infinite series.
          The amount of information is always increasing, the so call "push" of empty space, but this is also offset by the compression of information, the most common example of this being fusion, but other examples will be given.  Moreover, it will be seen that the "future" is a mix of these states and that at our point in time in the universe, the future is made up of more of a degrading past than it is of a compressing future.  Hence, with my beggar’s bowl filled with water and the light of a candle, the future can be trapped between these two extremes of light and solid and viewed at least roughly and especially if you know what you are looking for.
          Of course, it was a violent project and many suffered leading up to me being in this grassy lot hiding behind a bench, eating my loaf of bread.  It was thought that cavemen and low animals survived because they could and can, respectively, see the flow from the future and near future.  But the same part of the brain that was used was also used for speech.  Over time, it was lost in favor of speech during ice age, when rapid communication was more important than seeing a future which was nothing but ice and snow every day.
          It is part of the transition from human and caveman to just human, prior civilizations saw it coming but couldn’t prepare, when only winter and cold benefit of future vision is less important than ability to communicate easily.
          It is the reason why insight often comes from silence, the type of silence required to see the future.  The idiots who developed this in the Soviet would rip out the tongues of others while developing this process.  I was not told this, but I saw it in my bowl of water.
          I am looking for a project which is making a new type of weapon so that weak members can be turned to spies so that the weak, fat country that is making this weapon will not be the only one to have it.  So that strong Mother Russia will have the weapon also.  I will never see Russia again, it makes me sad, until I remember what it looks like today, the many, many dead.  I will not miss that.
          To better see the project, I told my superiors that I needed to get closer to the project and they believed me since I was able to see the future better than anyone else before me.
          I’m told that only a handful of men outside of my project know of its existence.  I believe that to be true.  I will complete my mission and then I will die.  I will not literally die, I will only appear to do so.   For I was trained to see the future, as soon as my mission is complete they mean to kill us all, but they will not get me because I know what they intend and do not expect to allow myself to become a part of that one purge among so many others.  But everyone who knows about my existence will be killed and I will be forgotten.  I will settle in this rich country, too lazy to see genius like that which developed this new model of the universe, too self-absorbed to believe that the universe is not built for them. 
I have the most dangerous part of my mission ahead of me.  I must buy a round trip ticket to the desert, mail the letter I have not written yet so it will be postmarked, and disappear under circumstances indicating I died in the dessert.

          Then, I will return to this place with its leaves beginning to bud, its pretty lawns after the short winter.  I will find a short, plump wife and try to forget what I know of the future.

A short PS-while accurate in concept, this picture is actually drawn upside down.  This happened as a prior version was incorporated into the latest book and I did not have the arrows drawn.  That will be corrected, perhaps in the next post:

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