
Saturday, November 4, 2017

The science of nostradamus part 7

So, here I am again, still going blind, I keep thinking I'm seeing flies in front of me, but they are just black spots in my vision that go with the clear worms that I see when I swim, along with increasingly large pieces of my retina.  Still losing my vision, but still a few hundred years ahead of everyone else.

I saw the fundament of the universe, even though I'm going blind and now I'm going to see the future even though I cannot see the present.

First, I'm redefining what time is, showing that the future is primarily the past until the universe beings its non-entropy phase, when the net effect of everything is towards order.  How bizarre that will be, a world where there is more fusion than...well whatever we are, a world where the net entropy decreases with increasing speed.  

I am a thousand years ahead of you,
 but you can see that you're catching up.  Buy why?   Because I'm telling you how, that's how.  It's a bitter, fictional pill to swallow.

Chapter 7

The Greek muse answered her door.  She wore tights which hugged her body, showing her feminity in a way that was hard to ignore.  The top was deeply cut so that her breasts almost popped out from either side.  I wanted to assume it means something, but it did not.  Her thick black hair was pulled back severely.  Her latest lover was in the back room.  “He will not bother us.  You have read Zeno now, I suppose.”
“I have.  His ideas are different from mine.  I talk  about a quantum information based system and he talks about distance.”
“If you put the two together, you will get my point.”
“I don’t need riddles,” I need you is what I wanted to say, but how could I tell her I was worth her time?  I didn’t even know what I was doing here other than she invited me and I could not stay away.
“Put see the answer, in place of get my point.  I can’t think for you, I can only tell you what I’m thinking.  But if you don’t think what I’m saying is worth listening to…”
“No, no!  I don’t mean that.  I respect your thoughts, I’m just not smart enough to keep up with you, I need some help,” I need more time with you was unspoken.
“So what have you decided?”
“Entropy powers the universe.”
“Ok, that is what everyone says, if the universe didn’t go from a state of order to a state of disorder, then none of the things we see around us would happen.”
“But you can also create order, if, for example, you have fusion or you stack scattered blocks.”
“Of course.”
“So you have both order and disorder, but the amount of disorder, net disorder is greater…for now.”
“For now?”
“The model, the wrong one that I’m working with is a net model.”
“What is that model?”
“Intersecting spirals.”
“Two net spirals, one positive, one negative intersect creating a compressive effect when they are coming together and a decompressive effect when moving apart.  There will be a better model eventually, but the conceptual model…”
“Why intersecting curves?”
“We observe them…in gravity, the positive ones anyway.”
“So accepting you’ll replace them with a better positive and negative model, what will you end up with”
“You end up with a universe of positive and negative points and they net out as entropic or anti-entropic.”
“Huh?”  She looked with her head cocked to one side.
“The universe either contracts, net non-entropy or expands, net entropy.  The whole mode of the universe that everyone else has, the thermodynamic one is wrong.”
She looked at me intently with those blue green eyes staring out from the mass of jet black hair, some ancient creature looking for something…what?  “Go on.”
“When it compresses, the same information forms higher states, the curves that are reflected are the basis for it.”
“The basis…?”
“They reflect was going on in super-symmetry.  There is something, this F-series compression that is reflected by the curves we observe.”
“A force…”
“There is no entropy, there is no force.”
“An underlying…”
“Mathematics.  It has to be algorithm driven, not force driven.  The same information…”
“A set amount?”
“I don’t’ think so, I think it has to be growing constantly, offsetting infinite series, the growth of information on one side, the compression of information on the other.”
“And so you have a growing amount of information and a growing compression.”
“Not exactly.   The information grows, but there is compression and…decompression.  There has to be decompression or we wouldn’t have  growing universe and entropy.”
“What’s you point?”
“All the information, well not all of it, but most of it compresses after the period of decompression, 54 billion years out, 54.5 billion years in before 55 billion out, so to speak.”
“What does this have to do with the future, with time?”  She was looking at me, the oracle, the muse.  She was looking for the same answer and she thought I might have it.
“The compressed information that decompresses to create the future is the past.”

AuT gives the specific derivation between a positive and negative (-1^x) universe to one which is based on F-series, information type compression and (by combination of 1 and 2 from different compression states) standard clock time and relativity.
Predicting the Future:
The transition though clear from ct0 to ct1, the non-dimensional, time independent math states necessary to have the algorithm work once compressed to yield the observed dimensional framework, necessarily yield the base 32/27 “quantum comparison” (the value when the comparison yields 1) of sin equations for two different values for pi (pi0 and pi1) but the exact mechanism by which this changes to the f(n)^2^n formulation is uncertain.  Likewise, though the F-series model is used for the underlying transitional state that moves solutions between positive and negative results is theorized from observations, and possibly from this same origin (32/27) the exact methodology is defined by alternatives and not specific mathematical formula which necessarily must exist for supersymmetry to be present.

The universe is constructed from negative 1, a “not zero” state, but once constructed, it separates into positive and negative diverging infinite series which alternate and converge to breathe illusory physics into the underlying equations.  Once established, quantum features are built from [2*f(n)]^(2^n) compression where f(n) is the Fibonacci number for n derived from an evolving value of curvature based on quantum changes in the amount of information.  States of matter or anti matter are the result of inflection point changes based on increasingly long diverging series of -1f(x)^y; where f(x) is theorized to be the Fibonacci number for x, y is a saved value, possibly 2^x for x=0, and where x and y increase continually in quantum steps (1,2,3,etc) so that very long stable states exist, but shift between positive and negative values.  Gravity or anti-gravity are associated with the positive or negative value of the underlying solution to these increasingly long base equations.  Likewise, the state of matter as matter or anti-matter derive from this solution, being compressively built on the base time/space independent equations.

          The mechanism for the alternatively stabilizing state feature (-1f(x)^y) is a pre-linear model based on the ratio 32/27; more particularly 32/27/8 which derives from the evolving ratio of curvature derived below between sinpi0’ and sinpi1.

#quantum mechanics

Yeah, that's right, I'm going to tell  Oh yeah, just wait.

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