
Monday, November 13, 2017

The Science of Nostradamus 14 intro

In order to understand this book you will be introduced to the true nature of time.  You will find out that, pompous as this sounds, I am the only person in the world who knows what that is.
Over the next few posts I plan to prove that statement to you.  You don't need to accept it, care or whatever, because when you're right, you're right.  Just as Padukah is halfway between Mobile, Al and Chicago, Il (more or less)so I am right about space time (more or less) and more than anyone else.
You can call me a genius or a quack, your opinion is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, just as my correctness is.
Let us begin at the beginning of both the book and the true nature of time that makes this book possible, the intro of sorts to both:

Time, the intro:
Time is not independent, but is instead coordinate change relativity.
In a relative sense you have higher change rates of groups relative to the changes of the lower group allowing for time as we experience it.  Velocity changes the rates of change increase, within the higher state, so that the relative change is absent which gives rise to what we experience as time. 
Time is more changeable in the universe than x which is really an increase in information.  Several things work with time that are dimension free.  The change in x leads to the changes in the solution between quantum instances which are time and dimension independent.
The increase or decrease in compression occur in quantum instances or inflection points and change the way that information moves.  It is theorized that changes in compression state in lower states cause the breakdown of compression in higher states which also has a net change at an inflection point based on the average of compression states in the next lower state between positive or negative, because of relative change between different states of compression preventing x from being aligned with time.
History is defined by combining prior time states to make the next time states during the compression process, so that entropy is a type of negative history or a breakdown in history.  We experience this disorder because the disordered states combine to make the next state along with the ordered states.

The intro to the intro to the book:
Not everything is autobiographical.  All books have introductions and many steal from one another.  This steals, in a poor way, from dicken's, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.[2]" a quote that is as timeless as any physics that I have writen.  As we spiral towards our doom we have many choices that appear at least to be ours to make.  I am certain I chose the wrong path more often than not.  I am the character fagen and not oliver

The intro draft to the book
My life is made of many acts grand and small, selfish and noble, petty and definitive, careless and careful.  Ihave abaondoned those who loved me and  pursued low women, I have raised poor women up and brought rich girls down.  I have cheated friends and aided scaliwags, saved sinners and left heros to die.  I have prayed to false gods for aid I did not deserve and killed the gods of man.  I have embraced treachery for my own ends and turned my back on the love of others.  I have associated with ignorant men and scorned those of learning.  My atonement is the absolution of everyone, no matter how flawed, my absolution is my physics which renders the great acts of all men trivial and pardons all acts, no matter how vile.  It is totally appropriate that it be my gift to mankind.

I've solved the secret to the universe, Order my g-d damned books already, lol.  Oh, and you may want to wait for book 4, the second edition is well under way and it is a killer.


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