
Thursday, November 30, 2017

AuT-Book 5

The next series of posts will take the aut list and one item at a time tell how it is answered by aut (adding time to the list) and using references to book pages.

I've already started, doing the first three items in the list which all overlapped.  No huge surprise there.  Its time consuming and will appear here.

As a part of this, I've also dredged up book 5 which is several hundred pages and represents the last part of Spirals in Amber, 2nd edition.  Updating it to be consistent with the first 4 books will also be complicated, but the last post dealing as it does with some rough ideas on the lifespan of the current universe (a little too short to make me comfortable with my calculations) is a part of that write up.

As you've seen several parts of that are being corrected, or at least cleaned up, such as the approach that AuT gives to timing universal expansion and explanations of some of the more far out there observations of Pre-AuT physics.

The one that should catch the attention of most astronomers is the "hit your own forehead" moment of showing the universe is not accelerating faster, but is in fact slowing down its acceleration.

I had a bit of a scare when the science of Nostradamus reported as being corrupt and I don't have a backup, except what's in this blog so I was worried a lot of material that was going to be lost, but fortunately, it appears to be more of a computer problem.  I have a dying computer in addition to several healthy computers and it probably needs to be replaced.

In a way, that will be ok as it was really a work in progress with a lot of "stuff" in it that was getting hard to deal with.  Nevertheless, the loss of the computer is a setback of sorts and a warning.

The month of November:

In November several things happened.  I published the last of the first 4 books, explained more accurately the expansion and contraction of the universe (the info was in prior editions, but the exact numbers were made to correspond so that there were two different methods of getting to the same answer, albeit one that makes me a little uncomfortable); and the explanation of what clock time, the time on your watch, was and how it is different from the changing value of x most of which went into book 4, not available to order.

What I haven't gotten any closer to is broad acceptance or peer review publication of the concepts of AuT and this new endeavor of documenting the list more accurately, is hoped to expedite that process.  While I'd like to do that in the first weeks of December, it seems unlikely.  Suffice to say the first 4 books cover everything that will be written except for the things that will surprise me given the strength of the AuT model.

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