
Saturday, December 2, 2017

AuT-Eliminating the event horizon

It's hard, like an anvil hidden, sunken into a bog, waiting to be discovered in some far flung future, being so far ahead of everyone else that you become some fringe, wild haired half crazed stereotype.  I would know, you probably don't; comfortable with your high and mighty position as a publisher or writer or just some wealthy drone or worse still a poor drone.

Today, I am going to discuss an article and then get to the meat of this post.  I,unlike you, live in a universe which is a giant clock, operating without deviation.  There is no humanity of the type you envision, no real artists, certainly no gods, barely a thing that can be called history or time and not in the sense of what you'd call one of those or the other (read book 4 I am on to other things) not even a true physicist although I would look like the only one from a distance.  It is all droll, the droll universe is what I should call my theory.  AuT (Algorithm Universe Theory)  sounds too grand.  It is undeserved.

New study predicts the slow, inevitable death of the universe - Washington Post

What's important about this article. Not much is the answer, but this one little gem is worth discussing:  "Just 2 billion years ago, they report, the energy being produced in the section of the universe they studied was twice what it is today."

If you go backwards and double at each 2 billion, you get 7 times the energy today which is important because it would provide insight into how much compression (vs decompression) existed when the last inflection point was reached.

The article goes on to incorrectly state:

"The universe reached its peak period of star formation a long, long time ago. There just isn't as much raw material to work with as there used to be. The laws of physics are suchthat usable energy will increasingly waste away into forms that stars can't use, like heat."  The truth is that there is more raw material to work with and that the amount of raw material will increase and that the old, dispersed raw material will compress just like the stale physics on which this article is based will dissipate once the light of AuT shines on it (something which the universe apparently will never let happen lest I find a bit of recognition).

As I read this when I started, we are 13 billion in and they (the authors) are incorrectly expecting a black universe at 100 billion; but they fail to recognize that in as little as 7 billion will reach the end of net expansion and the universe will begin to contract and it will get brighter as the amount of energy is compressed into a smaller and smaller space.

Their idea is that the universe is a one off, idiotic if you think about it, vrs the infinite offsetting series of AuT which is, or would be if randomness was real, brilliant.  By pre-AuT physics I might be brilliant, but that doesn't work here, read on.  Or don't.

Unlike what they say, we are not 1% along the curve, we're 2/3 of the way to when things start to compress again, although the jury is out on the accuracy the ratios used, see the last weeks posts or wait for book 5.

During my 2500 yard swim, the first time since I was sick that I was able to force myslef through that, I unwound the evolution of -1^x to fpluspix.  Yes, that is the same result of survivability and the transition from fpluspix to f(n)^2^n.
The "two" could come from one point turning into two, from a back and forth movement giving rise to distance between two points (one the x and one the x-1) so there was more than adequate basis for this in the theory of surviving points giving rise to the continuity we observe.
You can find the figure above at many places in this blog and in several of the books.
Again you can see a and b as two places of movement from a point or along C  you can see the  A and B as a vibrational element along a single line.  Either way, they provide separation without true dimension.  That is there are not carrier lines, just solutions that can be represented in this way, and if you're wondering, but what do they look like in an actual formula, just look at fpluspix, for christ's sake.

The irritating part about AUT is that the underlying supersymmetry means that I don't play an active role in the process even though "I've figure out" the underlying foundation for physics.

Quit whining. (note to self)

The tone of the universe story below is important because it shows that all kinds of crap escapes from the inescapable black holes and AuT is nothing if not demanding of this and explaining why.

As you know by now the so-called "event horizon" of black holes is an area of exchange in AuT which goes to ct1 (space) which can be exchanged independent of gravity using this fpluspix conceptual framework.  The movement (along C or D) in what is indicated  as figure 8 occurs without regard to forces as we understand them because they can move inward (gravity) or outward (anti-gravity) without worrying about the pull of gravity because the carrier is the source of gravity or its alternative.  Obviously if the movement is away from compression, gravity has no effect on the movement because the gravity "is" anti-gravity (or dark energy if you must).

It is amazing what is written here, but it is also droll univerese theory.  The universe choses to feed it to me while I swim, while I sleep, at certain times where I won't remember it, teasing me with disclosures of the fundamental universe which I won't remember and which haunt me, half seen specters.  Perhaps it is a droll, haunted universe I live in, surrounded by people rich in their superstitions which I find no comfort in them because they are droll to me, not beautiful.  If you tore down all the works of man you would only bring on the future, unless, maybe supersymmetry holds some promise that I have not uncovered yet.

I've got to get a better picture.

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