
Friday, December 15, 2017

AuT-The amazing, incredible and somewhat disappointing act of creation

Creation of our universe begins in g-space which from our perspective is a dimensionless, time independent environment.
In order to get a feel for this, we've created the idea that god lives here which is not the worst way to describe it.
So let's run through the steps.
God, the omipotent is a wise god so he starts to count "0,-1,1,-2, 3,- 4..."
We'll call him a male god because male privilege is reflected in the current manifestation of the algorithm, but sex doesn't matter much in a time/space independent environment.
Now you're asking yourself, that isn't how I count, why should god count that way?  The reason is that starting a zero, the next step is "not zero" then not not -1 (-1^2) and so on.  That's how god counts, don't blame me, blame him.  The truth is that the initial count looks a lot like -1,1,-1,1 and so on, and god doesn't get bored with that,something much more fundamental happens.
Being a all knowing god he remembers his count -1, ok 1,ok what's between -1 and 1? -3, ok, and so on.
He ends up with a couple of different counts, but the one we're interested in looks a lot like this:

big bangs (very small ones)
0 -1 diff betw Pattern
1 1 1 results
2 -3 -3
3 -3 5 2
4 -3 5 -7 -5 7
5 5 -7 9 7 12 5
6 5 -7 9 -11 -4 11 -1
7 5 -7 9 -11 13 9 13 2
8 -7 9 -11 13 -15 -11 20 7
9 -7 9 -11 13 -15 17 6 17 -3
10 -7 9 -11 13 -15 17 -19 -13 19 2
11 9 -11 13 -15 17 -19 21 15 28 9
9 -11 13 -15 17 -19 21 -23 -8 23 -5
9 -11 13 -15 17 -19 21 -23 25 17 25 2
-11 13 -15 17 -19 21 -23 25 -27 -19 36 11
-11 13 -15 17 -19 21 -23 25 -27 29 10 29 -7
-11 13 -15 17 -19 21 -23 25 -27 29 -31 -21 31 2
13 -15 17 -19 21 -23 25 -27 29 -31 33 23 44 13
13 -15 17 -19 21 -23 25 -27 29 -31 33 23 no good from here down

So here are the first, non-dimensional, big bangs.
If you look close what you realize you're seeing is the ct0-ct1 information arms.
Since at ct1 you have no point of reference, you don't have dimensions as we experience them, but you do have "one place" (1,11,111 shows our designation of 1, 2 and 3 places). At ct4 we have 4 places and 3 dimensions.  Don't get "time" confused with this because we've already defined time and it has nothing to do with some "4th dimension" which is a lot of pre-AuT crap, and instead it has to do with substitution rates and information retention over successive quantum solutions allowing it to be more flexible then these solutions.
We're going to talk about this more, but for the moment, what you see is where the big bangs begin (last column to the right).  It's a little more complicated than it looks because of the memory of all prior solutions, but essentially what we see is that regardless of the number of places that we have (1,11,111 (up to at least 5 and probably 6) you have a consistent change in the number of big bangs.
Ignoring the first 2 which are aberrational due to the math of our universe (which carries over to the f-series solutions from this same phenomena) you're big bangs vibrationally (infinitely expanding series) go: -7 (2 to -5 will be called contracting for the moment), 13 (-5 to 7 will be called expanding) and so on.  Since there are 1.07x10^39th quantum points per second and since we're in a 20 billion year cycle (more or less) of expansion, you can actually calculate how many big bangs there are in the universe from a conceptual standpoint.
I will not move on to other business while you perform the calculation and then I will come back.
It is important to note that while "place" and "memory" will result in the generation of information arms and f-series (to establish place and allow offsetting compression respectively); the act of creation is finished at this point in time and its just god counting form this point forward (or backwards because god can start at infinity and count backwards after a fashion, just as pi has a solution because of the amount of information in play, so too does infinity have a "practical definition" but that is another story..or fact if you will.

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