
Friday, December 8, 2017

AuT and the black hole collossus

We're going to discuss this article and how it proves aut, again, as if there were more proof necessary, but first a surprising (ok not so surprising) personal note

I walked outside tonight
the air was cold and wet
but the rain was solid
ice falling in place of rain
I did the stair machine
dancing 35 minutes
to the music in my head
then three sets of weight
I was all pumped up
and all I wanted from the world
was to pound on you
if passion was enough
I drove and picked up coffee
it will be too cold tomorrow
Ice building on the windshield
I thought about tomorrow
A cold dreary sunrise
after a night with you
I would not want to get out of bed
even if I was satiated with your body
if that could happen
Because I wouldn't want to miss a second
of your nearness to me
if love was enough
It waits only for that
which you could not give to me
i was not willing to wait then
for what seemed impossible
what my courage couldn't give me
and now its come again
the circle closed
opportunity raises its light
I see the future again
what could have been
and what could be
but passion isn't enough
nor is love
they need to be joined with courage
with decisiveness again
equivocators never won battles
they don't write love poems
above prevarication

So let's talk about that article.  The universe is 500 million years in and there is a black hole.  It's impossible under pre-AuT physics to get that large a concentration of matter.  Why?  The reason is that whether under AuT or pre-AuT physics a black hole is created the same way.  A massive amount of gas concentrates, flares into a sun, burns out, and once the energy is expended it collapses in on itself.  Hit, how long does it take for the gas to accumulate (more than 500 million years); how long to burn out all the energy (more than 500 million years-else our sun would be long gone by now and we'd all be very cold) the collapse can happen quickly, but only after billions of years.
But in AuT, it's expected.  Not only are there high levels of concentration, but they are preserved, at least up to the modified half lives brought on by the increased sharing in a ct5 matrix.  In AuT we're in a post big bangish universe only marginally (well 13.5 billion years worth of additional information) bigger than than one before which itself has perhaps trillions of years (effectively if not all created after time exists) of information (built up, at least by the one modus in the theory, one information change in x per 1.07*10^-39th of a second) and which even immediately before and after the latest big bang had systems, albeit concentrated ones, with planets, stars and supermassive long lived black holes.
The one issue that remains to be addressed is how the half life of this black hole is determined and for that matter how all half lives are determined given the higher concentrations of information sharing inherent in ct5 in the model.  That is an important area of inquiry.
It blows my mind that the very things predicted by AuT appear as if by some magic act, except for the recognition of what it is.  Verification of the theory.  The theory is self proving, the mathematics of the logic is compelling, the theory explains observed mathematics, it derives directly from the equations of curvature, or rather those equations of curvature derive from it.  And when things are observed that make no sense in other theories, a quick read of AuT shows they were expected all along.
It's cold out, that's to be expected.  It's quiet, the physics of the future waiting for time to catch up to it, wondering what irony its waiting for.

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