
Monday, December 18, 2017

AuT-stasis: more nonsense on parallel universes

More than any other theory AuT explains why we each have our own time.  CT1 exchange at higher ct states is unique for each.  If it is internal through the exchange of higher states, aging takes place faster.  Outside ct1 state exchange means that it ages slower.
Theoretically, a system could be provided where a closed system of ct1 states exchanged preferentially with a closed higher ct state exchange which would result in a rapid decrease in aging with a minimum amount of movement or rather very rapid movement within a closed space with less aging, stasis.

One of the many things which may be more right than previously believed but totally wrong is the idea of parallel universes.

In order go get a feel for this, we need to consider the case of AuT as applied to observed phenomena.

First, AuT involves super symmetry.  That means that whatever we do in the a-symmetrical universe filled with apparent randomness and entropy is the necessary result of what is effectively predestination.

That means that infinite parallel universes would have to upset this symmetry and upset the algorithm in order to exist in a true parallel fashion.

That said, at the point of g-space,where the algorithm is defined and populated with mathematics, it remains possible that an infinite number of algorithms are possible. Indeed, there is no logical reason not to have them.  These could even be solved with a single count, a single quantum count, powering an infinite number of algorithms, each slightly different from the other or even with different logic controlling them, although this would be contrary to our logic.

These universe while being simultaneously solved would not have any affect on our universe unless the algorithms somehow overlap which is a possibility.

AuT explains prior lives as a possibility as well as prognostication.  My book on Nostradamus is something of horror story as a result,because if he could be right, then what road are we on, and if we are on it, AuT says we cannot get off.  Such an ignoble end to our time on the crust of the earth would be disappointing, but sadly, not unexpected.

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