
Friday, August 6, 2021

0/35-All this Greco-Roman History

0/35; should I go negative at this point?  Start counting up again?  It's a puzzle, it would be better to just get some answers, but nothing in the inbox today.

Down to 287 of these old posts
It is 5:30, I slept till just now, just enough time to feed the cats, make my coffee.  The cats are all around me for whatever reason.
The coffee is relatively fresh, just from last night.
I slept longer, but I have a slight headache, a combination of the long swim and the resulting apnea.
I was at 174.8 which is good to be back to this initial weight.

I'm a little surprised the 35 day thing didn't affect my sleep more.  I didn't post this yesterday so its -1/34 this morning, that's because of you.
I wracked my brain for your interpretation of things.
I moved my travel list to my calender.
watch charger, phone charger, 3 different headsets, one for exercise, swimming stuff and the charger for the headphones, just in case, financial issues to put in order (lists of those things which may not come to me automatically); hiking stuff....You?
My passion is unabated.  Accuse me of living in some fantasy if you'd like, it may be true; but if you can explain what it is like being together as a mere fantasy, what use do I have for reality?  Where do you find kindness or the right thing in this fact scenario.  There are sentences, fully formed in my mind screaming to get out, to take over this page, airports, ticket prices, the beauty of the high plains, the long walks, the quiet evenings, the stars that I can no longer see clearly spread out in the night sky.  

Where is the cruelty in this?  I can't take that seriously.  
The storms are returning in the Atlantic again, what does that mean?

I am not sure what I was writing about, it is February 5, 2019.
Greco doesn't appear to be the right spelling, but it's close enough for now.  I have been deeply immersed in reading about the east-west conflict and have now gotten just past the fall of Constantinople.  Happily, Heroditus' pot holes (see my earlier post) never appeared so its safe to say that in at least this web-log I have preserved what another historian has lost (since that's now around 1000 years in the past-timeline wise).

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