
Wednesday, August 25, 2021


14 days left.  The time is short.  We will cover the other dates.
Storms kept me out of the pool which allowed me to experiment further with the stair workout, too short but rather than increase the length, I did two to three sets of most of the weights, but it was too crowded especially with covid to sit around so I did some sort of stride equipment to add another 15 minutes.
It didn't seem like enough, but when I got hope I found brushing the pool (note pool boys have good muscles so this qualifies as exercise too) that I was a little sore.  From above and below it I look pretty darned good for a fossil.  I need to work a lot harder on the gut.  I think of the sculptures of Moses, not that good, but in that direction.  At least there are some fairly sharp definition there.
Potential Nobel prize knowledge in math, physics, chemistry and biology plus a hot body (sort of in all cases).  Quite the catch, your jealousy is is an ominous picture.

Here's a short nightmare for you. I was getting ready to ride and a I kicked off another bike ran into me with such violence it woke me up.
Two nights ago there was a three room dream which made some sense but is unclear.  It drifted into a global warming driving till there was water around and within hotels and then this one filling station which made me wonder what happened if someone kicked up a wake and in this small, flat island of a gas station there was  a sidewalk where people were standing around.  I think it was florida, but maybe it didn't start that way and how the three room or three alternative moved into the flooded area dream is unclear to me.
Last night I dozed instead of sleeping for much of the night and my dreams tended to be thoughts that drifted in and out of reality.
It is now a mere two weeks before I leave.  I have all but one, at a stretch I don't plan to take, 2 of this month's applications to get out.  I am hoping for some advice this day or next; but I am shifting my focus to getting the other documentation out and that will include improving the documentation should the opportunity to file something present itself.   I have two weeks to shorten this, organize it and, the easiest part, file it.  Then I will have around 50 days to edit it further.  It is plenty to do in the time period provided even if there is nothing else to do.
3 fully filed are pending, maybe 1 has a decent chance although all are good.
I have to deal with 6 hours more of professional development.  Doing one hour today, one next month for the moment.  Targeting all the free stuff, pretty sure I can find some way to sneak in all 6 hours.  It is frustrating but is useful or would be if I was going to be a professional. They ask questions so you have to pay attention, but they send a noise signal, which means that if you were not paying attention you could jump to it and the questions are often pretty easy to answer if you have any experience.

I am imagining my briefing when I get to the remote manor...On mondays, the esscaped convicts come by; that is pretty dangerous but the maniacs escape on tuesday, then the gang members ride their motorcycles or perhaps they are  young gangs on tricycles, and on and on.  

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