
Sunday, August 29, 2021

10/1/61 the final countdown

 A storm which is probably going to be a category 5 at least from the eyes of history with 16 feet of storm surge will be a 100 year (plus) event.

This graphic shows 6 potential storms on the atlantic side, well some are actual storms.

Maybe this view tells more about what this means.
This doesn't include the storm just on the other side of mexico.

This shows the 48 hour, I drew a line to show one that could follow Ida, although I suppose that is unlikely.  What a picture.
10:37 AM

The effects here are just wind and some rain which I need to fill the pool anyway.  I saw about an hour ago that there was 20 or 30 minutes until the first thunderstorms so after too much vacillation I threw off my clothes and jumped in the pool.  It was surreal, getting darker as I swam and the pool already filled and continuing to fill with debris was like swimming through a semi-solid; I must think on this because it is relevant to things I think.

I managed to get a short swim in including my entire contingent of im, right before I started the last 18 strokes of crawl, I heard the first thunder, but it was distant, so I speeded up and finished a 500 yard warm up, 1100 IM and no warm down at all, but I plan to stretch later.

The outer bands are here now and I think the pool will be taken care of within the hour.

It is worrisome for while I had to swim early and fast, there are potentially millions who are going to be impacted for a significant period of time.

It was a slow day and not much was accomplished, thankfully yesterday was good enough to make up for Friday and today.

I watched the car drive through the hurricane lashed streets of new orleans, coming tantalizingly close to those places which I wanted to see the most, but it was, after all, mostly a rainy day to those who were not in it.

This has not impacted my trip or the countdowns, the shortest ending tomorrow, probably unaddressed, the 10 day one was confirmed to still be a good one, that launch has not ended, and the third down to less than two 31 day months.  If this means anything it means that I have to focus on what comes next and make some decisions; but not before the 10 day deadline and there is much that will occur between now and then.

This has not been a very interesting post nor an important one; but it is better to get it off of my computer desktop.

I will end it with a reference to something I wrote a long time ago to deal with my stress and which looms large in the near future which was the topic of a comic's monologue this weekend which I did not hear.

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