
Friday, February 15, 2019

The atomic fractal

  2,000 yards, but at a rate which is hard to appreciate if you are not there on Wed, then just walking the dog on Thursday.  It is a time of highs and lows.
I am writing non-physics.
But I am also going to write up the previously written solution to Schrodinger's equation for relativeivistic effects (quite a simple solution, btw).  I am going to submit it as an article to APS since they are closed to new things but may have a soft spot for Schrodinger.
But its so simple, I will put it here in its entirety although I have to figure out how to write it down since the symbolism is complex.
I have determined that Westworld is about us.  What is that comment, after learning what life is where I don't have to pretend how can I go back?
It is also about things not being what they seem, which is what AuT says.
And something unreal becoming more real than reality which is what is happening to me as I sink into a type of madness.
There is no program to accept and moderate new physics models and provide support to new model development; but one is being laid out for me by the universe, a very odd one.  One mag after another requesting articles and to fill these needs I am exploring things that I might not otherwise pursue.
There are two articles.
Both are actually simple and can be stated in a few sentences.
When I say that I can solve Schrodinger's equation for relativistic effects it sounds complex and brilliant.  But it is high school algebra.  All it requires is solving for changed in time dt in favor of changes in the dimensional states making up time which turns that part of the equation into dt=dc/dx which makes the second derivative in the equation a d^2 solution.  It is simple, intuitive, and only brilliant because it solves for time to create d^2 on both sides of the solution.  And what will APS do with it?  To quote Monty Python, "I fart in their general direction," because I can solve problems that they cannot so who is right?  You would not read this blog if you did not know the answer (so why not subscribe?).
The second article is also simple.  It compares the atomic structure to the galactic on, only possible because of a second, simple solution; the ct1 absorption followed by higher state spew which powers the sun so obviously, but all quantum states that have gravity above ct2.
The increased speed of the atomic galactic fractal is due to the time free nature of a higher percentage of the states, it is so obvious, so clear to me now.
In particular this will start with AUT which is a peer reviewed model under development and will receive a 15,000 grant for patent protection and modeling development
There you have it, 2500 years of science and it all comes from one person.
And yet, with all of that in so few words, you have not bought the books or subscribed to the updates.  What does that mean?
What does it say about me and more important, what does it say about you?
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