
Monday, February 11, 2019

The beginning of the mail list the end of fundamental particles

The sun came up today, the day after my 2500 yard swim which was only mediocre despite getting the yards in, I couldn't put in a single 300 yard im, despite doing 1000 yards that way altogether.
I am still a little tired a day later.

Am I mad? Am I right?
These questions plagues me more and more.
The one article, that gave me a certain confidence in moving forward, locking my place in history.
It is the greater financial community that is so quiet that worries me.
This is the greatest single thing.
Quantum particles are blown apart by this theory.
Three layers, invisible to us before are under a light.
And it is the worst thing ever.
We are trapped like cock-a-roaches under a sheet.
The folds hold us down more than knowing that they are there.

And I know the whole maze
And yet I am trapped in my little place
For reasons I cannot understand.

I am asking someone else to acknowledge this
To put me in a place
where the freedom I already know is all around me
and yet which doesn't exist at all
can be mine.

Why don't you set me free?

Anyway, someone wrote a question.
I didn't really understand it, something about M theory and strings.
I have a lot of rope, a holdover from my sailing days, you can never have enough rope if you're a sailor.
But here is my answer. Sorry about the typos.

How nice of you to ask a question. First let me tell you the problem with string theory, as I see it. The very first observations (known) of a logic based universe date back 2500 years and are incorporated into the Zeno Paradoxs. Any model which does not address that threshold question is suspect.
AuT rejects any model which uses infinite series while utilizing a model infinite series to arrive at a solution to virtually every observed paradox except the most distant one, namely "why and how does hte universe exist in any form."
For that last reason, AuT fails as a model, but what can you do?
Once you establish the universe, AuT provides a model to answer all of the questions by (1) eliminating dimension and time except as an effect, thereby eliminating the problems with distance, dimension and time, thereby eliminating particles, waves and, alas, your string issue.
In fact, conceptually this concept was put forward by Peter Haggni and to a lesser extent Max Nathan, but they only provided a concept, not a model and to that extent they were far behind Parmenides and Zeno.
AuM is a model and the lastest video is the one you ought to watch even though only the first 8 slides have audio; obviously the book Algorithm Universe Model would provide more detail.
.That brings me to your questions. First and foremost, I gave up trying to reconcile AuT with other models, althought that is done in some detail relative to the standard model and a couple of others in the two compendium volumes.
Second, and more importantly, you should pursue your questions until you feel you have to abandon them. When I started on AuT 5 years ago, I had little faith that I would be able to solve most of the problems even with the help of others and many people have provided valuable guidance, such as directing me to Zeno's work (the single most important suggestion). And yet, with time, research and luck (translated as the universe pushed me to finish in the right direction) I was able to come up with a 95% complete model (the limit equations being the important part that continue to plague me somewhat but
which appear mostly to be rely on relative stability in a universe which has no true stability but is absolutely without randomness.

Who knows what you will accomplish if you stick with it. Good Luck!

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