
Sunday, February 10, 2019

why-one day left to subscribe

I cannot swim for several hours yet so I am enjoying my coffee and pondering issues that go beyond mathematics.
It may already be too late to subscribe, but I think there are a few hours to go.  GMT and all that, who can say what time it is in England unless you happen to be on the island at the time.
I wanted to take this opportunity to put some thoughts on the table, why not subscribe while you are waiting.
Version 1: Why I am writitng this?
I was abandoned by the universe, my lover left me, I was destitute and when I turned to god he seemed ready to smite me again.
In a situtation like that you ask yourself, what is important to me.  If I have nothing, what do I do.  If there is nowhere to go but up and even that way seems blocked, what do you do?
Are not all of us curious, how do we come to be here?
But that is just a question.  I had a more focused question. "How could you reconcile hologram theory with einstein's theory of time?"
"Eventually it morphed; if there is a hologram, where did all the information come from?"
I thought about these questions and wrote about them, and my cruel lover.
This blog is filled with that, hundreds of posts on both topics.
Strangely, I was able to answer the one question and not the other.  The harder question, how to deal with my lover, the universe turned out to be the easy question to answer.
The next question might be why continue with it, having done enough.
I have replaced all of the mysteries of the universe with 4.  Why and how does the universe count and remember.  That is quite an accomplishment.  But that is not a reason to continue.
But there is a reason.  The AuT universe has terrible limits.  And given the limits imposed by this model, how do we exploit what is left of the universe open to us and how do we burrow down to that part which is not exposed to us.
That is where the future lies to the extent there is one.
I have figured out what time is and I have set it out.  But time is almost up...
The Print version of AuM 2nd Edition as updated 1/30/19!
It may now be ordered in either print or e-book!

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