
Saturday, February 9, 2019

The last chance-Zombies and Give me your brains

It is a major weird morning.
I am again up so early that I have nothing but darkness to share my morning.  I built a small fire with wood so dry it does not take much.
My eyes are bothering me this morning.  I can barely see to type this. It is irritating. 
The slow blindness of technology instead of the fast alternative, I should be thankful, but I just think of the things I will not be able to do if I live that long.
One of those things which worries me is some spring snow skiing should the aps come through.  Still waiting for that. You would think that I would be a headliner at these things, but prejudices run deep and innovations move slowly.
I had a rather bizarre notice, one that said, "you certainly caught our attention,' and I thought to mysefl, yes I figured out how the universe works below the level of thermodynamics, something that renders your daily comings and going more or less (well more) irrelevant and all you can say is, 'it certainly caught our attention.'  Idiots, I am surrouned by idiots.
That is why I have to figure out how to apply it, the new materials science, the new fusions (and yes I mean it to be plural) because all the zombies around me think about is where to make a dollar; they run around screaming "money" instead of "brains" but it is all the same thing.
Talking zombies are more funny than the alternative.  The comedies merely give voice to monsters, "we are rich, we want more money" instead of "we are dead and we want more brains."  It is a slow apocalypse like my blindness.
I did not exercise yesterday and it is very early.  I suppose the dog walk was exercise after a fashion, old person exercise, but I am fond of saying that any way you get your blood to circulate is important.
I wrote a little more in the grifter book this morning, "grifters, 'trumps' and theives" is the chapter name.  I may use that as a title for the book  It is pretty short. It will be a good book because it is comic and balanced, after a fashion.  Who knows, maybe I will finish it.  Don't hold your breath.
This rambling post is supposed to be about the update being sent out to everyone who has subscribed to my blog which includes the link to the newest video which is the first 8 slides and very good.
It is hard to believe but I was too busy yesterday to edit a single additional audio.  I should set a minimum of 5 per day which would give me the full short audio book in a week.  A few of the slides need to be updated, but it is surprisingly ready already.  The edits are not inconsequential.   I could actually get them done better by paying someone; but then I would have problems associated with content potentially.
It is odd, there is no response yet from aps either as to the article or the speaking engagement.  It is ludicrous to try to fit this into a 20 minutes snippet, but ignoring the details would actually be an interesting way to approach this and I will do so in an audio which will also be part of a notice, whether present or future I will not say to those who subscribe so you can get the feel of how the universe works without being tortured by details.

The Print version of AuM 2nd Edition as updated 1/30/19!
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