
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Congress, uncontrolled-simple majority the opposite of applying intelligence-Catch my breath-not

One of the keys to the future of the USA is to come up with a way to make sure that intelligence is brought to the legislative process.
Two concepts have been proferred in this regard.  One is the use Term limits and Congressional reform to reel in a mad, entrenched congressional elite.
The other is the application of different terms of intelligent review to legislation.  This could be applied equally well to the appointment by the president of judges and administrative officials subject to the oversight of congress.
This would not prevent bad legislation, nor should it delay legislation passed in a time sensitive time frame, but it does allow for decisions to be reviewed through a glass that isn't totally focused on the immediate results of the legislation and the development of parameters to do this by those far more intelligent that I am would ensure it work better.  While this might be original, it is not totally dissimilar to the concepts developed in Issac Asimov's Foundation series.  Asimov, of course, was not in a constrained universe, at least not that he knew, but he had a certain, who knows what the heck it is, but Herber Heinlien had it  to a lesser extent.
Congress itself took a huge step in the opposite direction by elminiating super-majorities.  Having an entrenched elite with too much power has already resulted in the disaster which is the war with China (that most of them doesn't even realize is being lost) and the most destructive government action (under Bush-and I'm a republican on most things) in history.  One can only hope that if the tests of long term, short term and medium term intelligence had been applied to our invasion of the "graveyard of empires" (the historical reference for Afganistan); we'd have several trillion dollars to fight our real war.

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