
Friday, November 29, 2013

Time Travel in non-linear time universe; the Einstein Hologram uinverse and how holograms affect the singularity

I have talked earlier about time travel and how it is a-fotori possible if we do exist in a hologram universe, but only if it has already been done already.  This gets back to the basic equations (discussed far earlier in the first Edition of the Einstein Hologram Universe) showing that our universe can be defined in terms of time and gravity is the tendency of time to lose its linearity.

There is some actual evidence (other than Bill Murray's Movie with Angie McDowell) that manipulation of time is possible.  What is more, there are ways that we have done almost exactly that, in a manner of speaking.  Linear time is not a hologram, any more than gravity exists without linear time.  Gravity is force and necessarily requires time to be exerted.  Hence, any theory that tries to substitute gravity as a fundamental would necessarily have to include the concept that gravity becomes linear to define the uinverse which takes us back to time.

Time is the only fundamental that is visible because only time exists without dimension.  Time exists without force and therefore necessarily has to be a fundamental building block of the universe, at least fundamental in terms of gravity.  The same result derives from the examination of dimension.  Dimension exists by virtue of the ability to move along various dimensional lines and that requires time.  The relationship of gravity to this process, supports time.  As any form of time which has visible quantum properties (matter and energy) tend to give up their dimensional separation, that is as their time coordinates approach zero (the go to the same location) gravity goes to infinity (m1*m2/d^2 as d goes to zero).  The result, at very high energies is a temporary black hole, indicating that gravity as d approach zero is an infinite series and unless something happens to the dimension, you would end up with permanent black holes.  The thing that is indicated by the disappearance of the matter into a black hole is that time becomes non-linear and the dimensions associated with the matter cease to exist (necessarily since d=0 for any particle).

We have little scientific proof that the dimensional elements (e.g. us) can affect the singularity, meaning that we are a part of the singularity as well as part of time, but we may be trapped into a set relationship.  While we can make temporary (and probably permanent) black holes that take matter back to the singularity and while we can understand the relationship of time to the existence of the universe, it is likely that time manipulates us in all of our endeavors and unlikely that we can manipulate time.

However, this bizarre relationship between what we conceive as independent judgment and the predestination that time implies is largely circular since if non-linear time means that the entire universe happens at once and linear time is just a method of providing a stream of consciousness, dimension and movement within the dimension; we can still manipulate the entire process as long as we manipulated it when everything happened at once.

This would mean that everything that is happening has happened all at once (before the application of the artifice of linear time which we depend on for our logic.  This would mean that even an attempt to modify the universe (at least by you) would be pre-ordained.  We affect it, because it has always been affected by us.  This requires quite a bit of examination to see if it can be used or not, but the mere fact that this can be written indicates a circular development of the universe.

Issac Asimov once wrote of a situation where entropy was reverse at the time of creation.  This involved the manipulation of the universe by a computer of sufficient complexity to reverse entropy.  This amusing story is conceptually similar to what is observed in the universe, except the computer is replaced by intelligence which builds to infinity as time and distance cease to exist when time becomes non-linear.

The method of manipulating time and the effect of manipulating time depends on whether we have an Einstienien time cloud (often mistaken as time space) or the more likely scenario where there is quantum time which in turn suggests a single quantum time responsible for the entire universe when it becomes linear.  This is far different from other models which have "slide space with multiple slides projections possible from each slide (hologram theory), time-gravity bubbles where we exist on some sort of time bubble or other models which necessarily imply a greater complexity than is required and violate the principle that everything is only as complex as it needs to be, which principle is another argument in favor of a single quantum time giving rise to the entire universe.

This "solution" to the fundamental building block(s) of the universe is no solution at all, of course, because you start with something which is as simple as non-linear time, but it has the power to become linear for each aspect of the universe over the entire lifespan of the universe.

But if everything happens at once with non-linear time, the we are all basically traveling through time throughout the existence of time, we are all manifestations of what is likely a single quantum time which has that capability because it exists without time and space and we experience time (and therefore space) only because it gives that perspective to us from the singularity where everything happens at once.

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