
Sunday, July 25, 2021

9 days and counting a look back at religion, cooking 2

I swam early again after watching the us olympic team win the 400IM (that's my thing! at least that is the focus of my swimming exercise routine).
It's not like I wanted to swim.  But even at 9am its the time of year that the water was warm enough there was no shock entering it and the shade from the trees kept the sun from bothering me and now I feel better having one less thing to worry about today.
So this was lunch made from yesterday's cooking.  There is a bed made from the baked onion and 1.5 pieces of the chicken, a little mustard, lettuce and tomato (not assembled so you can see it).
I mashed two of the baked potatoes with milk and butter and added the mushroom and onion gravy to make a potato-mushroom soup (pretty good, needed some extra salt).

The entire meal was very good, the onion was sweet.  Or maybe it it had something to do with the sense of relief I have felt, no matter how short lived.
Normally, I'd add cheese to a sandwich like this; but it had plenty of flavors and I don't think the cheese would have added much.

It is worth laughing about you thinking I would leave you.  There are so many reasons this makes no sense but the ultimate irony would be, having had the love of my life that I would forsake that for some other reason, but then we don't know, what would happen with that RV and could we continue with the passion and magic that inspired me to parse the universe.  You are right that we were both supported by an absurdly small amount of time, so perhaps there is too much romance and not enough reality.  i do not know and I do not care; as the math it inspired, it is the theory of everything.

I may have another one of these meal ideas from today tomorrow, perhaps not.

It is late now, I just finished an evening walk, classical music the whole time, this time, and I'm watching pool soccer (water polo) on youtube, something I used to do although its been a while.  And surfing, I am not sure what that means.
I suppose my heart remains with the swimming; although perhaps my swimming and theirs are not of the same class.  How happy that Tunisian was winning the gold in the 400, what energy, a tribute to the human spirit if there is such a thing.

So the old post from 1/7/14 deals with good and evil, the possibility of heaven and hell in e-hologram theory and the less likely result in Non-Linear time theory.  This means that by that early date, I had gotten to the second theory that would ultimately evolve into the math that now seamlessly connections physics and chemistry and explains how a particle can have different wavelengths and be structurally identical, at least after a fashion.  What could I possibly be thinking back then, other than certainly I was in love whether my heart was broken or healed I do not know now nor is there any hint in this.

One of the least likely concepts in religion is heaven and hell.

Yet while e-hologram theory existed (before it was consumed by Non-linear time theory), it must be made to explore concepts which are otherwise not inconsistent even if not consistent.

If time is a function of thought, then good and bad thought may be inherent in the linearity of time.

There are moral imperatives in this concept in e-hologram theory.

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