
Thursday, July 29, 2021

7 days and counting; The phone call Chapter 2

I want my donut and my hundred dollars.

Up at 4:00, although it can't be called sleep what happened after 2:30.
Took a shower, fed the cats who are always ready to eat and reheated coffee.
I have been thinking of the China-US Olympics which has replaced the US-Russia Olympics.
China has all the advantages in terms of population and money; but the US continues to have the most diverse population at the Olympics; including that mix of different mixes which is so uniquely human across the planet; in the USA for better but for all the worst reasons.  At best it should be an all native American team; but that was not the destiny and the prescribed claims of the past likely have little to do with the future.
For all the faults of the USA, what it has that is right, however strongly rejected, is right randomly.

Yesterday I could not swim.   The lightening lasted far into the evening, at 1030 the sky still lit up.  The cool wind from high in the sky was piped down to earth so I had a pleasant walk, but I think the fact that I otherwise took the day off might have impacted my sleep.
I made many of the changes that could be done without research or artwork in the NPTE.  There remains a lot of work to do before the second edition can go out.

I also wrote down some short notes on the energy thing.
I am wrestling with life right now.  This near term of transitions, how to use them and how they will use me.

You're thinking, the third is 4 days off, 5 at the most; but there has to be a day or two of leeway.  I am encouraged, it doesn't take a long time to say nothing is there; I continue to think the evidence from both sides will match and things can progress quickly, but we will see.

This is hard and yet I persevere.  My eyes wear out first every day, long before anything else is gone.  I need to start thinking about how to work without seeing.

I ended up eating all of the food I prepared last week.  I can't say I enjoyed it at every meal, sometimes I ate more to deal with some perceived need as opposed to actual hunger.

I am as close as I can get to the next attempt to deal with the fuel issue; write up after a fashion in general terms at least and out to the national laboratory.  I am not entirely sure what that will look like in the end, but I hope that I will take the next steps this week.

It is late now, I swam while the sun was out, it was almost too hot for the first im, i turned over to do the back stroke and could not get my breath.  If it had not been for the thin layer of clouds it may not have turned out well.  The water temperature started out at 85 degrees so it was not a good temperature but the water was clear.
I may edit this later, I don't really like it, it doesn't feel like I'm talking to you.  Perhaps I am too tired.

I could write forever.  Great emotion gives way to creativity.   IT is the passion that carries off in the prior blog.  So this is just a writing lesson.
What will happen with the people, how will i make you care about them.
The voice is another example.  This voice is a different way of delivering information.   This entire story (so far) involves a telephone conference.

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