
Saturday, July 31, 2021

5 and 42 days-what are the right dreams

I sneak out every morning around this time, a little before 5, and look for you.  You are never there, but I still look.
I wish I could sleep or that I could reach over to you at least.
It is so early and dark this morning that even the cats are not complaining to be fed.  I have my first coffee and it is always much better at this time.  I was born to be a farmer and perhaps if I was I would still have my vision or perhaps I would be on my knees feeling for sprouts coming from the ground.
I have had a low grade cough, irregular and probably more associated with the constant swimming and humidity than anything else; but my brother has covid, thankfully after being vaccinated, so it makes me wonder and I worry more for everyone else than myself that the country is filled with superstitious idiots.

This image, I remember from high school, shows that superstitions repeat themselves; just like all other things; an observational genius eliminates a life wrecking disease and yet a percentage of the population with no understanding attacks it for no logical reason.  Of course even I fear this science which seems to be coming at us from both the disease creation and defense; but the politicization of a disease is so idiotic it could only be dreamt up by man, and giving Boerbert and Greene their due, by woman.

Benjamin Jesty, a plain man like me, and Edward Jenner, an opportunistic doctor; represent the type of growth of intellect that seems juxtaposed to the inherent stupidity that killed 600,000 (and counting) due to the insanity of maskless and mask adverse anti-science segments of the population.  To some extent even I worry about untested vaccines, but the idea that masks are somehow inappropriate in a pandemic is surprising to me, although knowing how stupid people are, it should not.

And speaking of swimming the last two days I have done this in the sun.  The water is 85, warm enough that there is no shock getting in; the shock comes at the end of the first im when, gasping for air and shocked from an overheated heart I turn over and if the sun is not behind a cloud the additional shock of the heat put shock, breath and life in the balance.  But I've exercised every day for the last two weeks, inside or out except one day when I only walked the dog.  After swimming we walked yesterday; but it was a shorter walk in the heat and humidity of the early evening, an unpleasant affair, not satisfying other than the innocent outreach of the other people walking their dogs at the same time and in the same heat.

It would be wiser to walk the dog now, the temperature in the comfortable 70's despite the humidity; but it is dark and I want to tell you about my day and drink my coffee and listen to the cats steadily get more awake and impatient.  It's been 30 minutes that I've been up and after 5 now and they are curious, a scratchy.

I can't really understand the Olympic surfing competition.  Yes they are good surfers; but what is going on without a Patrick Swayze/Keanu Reeves point break surfing movie comparison, i just don't understand it.
Something seems to be missing here.
In the end isn't this a burned out endless summer thing?

The track and field events have started at the olympics.  That is a favorite of mine, although the way olympic athletes clear the hurdles is misleading, it loses some of its beauty.  The technology of the graphics and the ability to slow the video helps a great deal.

One needs to look to the background shots to see the effect of the heat there in a world which is overheating too quickly and where the solutions, like mine, remain hidden by the same type of small minded ignorance that limits our response to covid.  That being said, the athlete's ability to overcome the heat and fly against gravity is lovely.

Since it is dark and you are not hear making it even darker, I will note that as of today, the economic effect on the medal count reflects that China has, at least in the first days of the olympics, overtaken the United States by an appreciable amount reflecting the same thing in their economies.  One might ask, where are the USA olympic uniforms made.  Again, something that reflects stupidity as much as economic modeling; but also China's recognition that they have to open the economy to greed and avarice to be successful.
The success of the united states is bolstered by its international nature, perhaps hiding even greater economic weakness; the USA being a country of all other countries more than any place else, our diversity could be our truth if not for prejudice and ignorance which we seem to embrace more than our athletes.

I will come back to this later, the cats want my attention.

win the lottery or travel with the right person without money

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