
Monday, July 19, 2021

15 days and counting Writing tips: A software paradox

 It is Monday.  I had high hopes for the weekend, none of which came to pass.  I did exercise "enough," I apparently went off my target weight despite the exercise.

My attempt to seize victory from defeat was met with a non-answer.  Effectively, I snatched defeat from a defeat although a door was opened just a little bit, the eternal optimist looking for something positive in this mess.  There is a lie of sorts here, a lie of omission; but it was expected, it is not the end of things, not really.
I feel very low right now, there is a sense of futility to what I am doing even with all of the success I have had and which continues.
There is a storm raging outside.  There are 15 days left and still no news...

I want to talk.  Is it  possible? Could anything good come out of it?   I doubt it; not based on that last call.  Indeed, the way things are going, I can only imagine things getting worse. And yet, every day that passes I feel more compelled than the day before.   I thought I was close to being your equal, that we could move forward as equals.  Now I wonder if I shouldn't have just tried the writing thing or stayed with the law that was working so well and still offers opportunities.  Is it possible that things will somehow come together.  I have done so much; but if no one else sees it, does it even matter?

Let's talk about things being worse.     I am preparing to flee out west, steadily getting closer.  It would be so much easier if things would go better, but I cannot count on anyone but myself.  

I could have written this, but it was written by someone else. I take it back, I couldn't have written this, because there are other issues that I have; makes these guys look more qualified than me.  Just one more thing that is worse and not better.  "We are on our 4th or 5th proposal, never successful. It seems to us that the system is really an insiders' game. Some evaluator criteria explicitly privilege companies that have already worked with one of the agencies or that specific agency - insiders. Others give points for academic degrees and publications but nothing equivalent for people who have worked in the industry and technology area for 20-30 years and who have the practical experience to really innovate. It seems career-building credentials are rewarded over actual innovation. How does a small first-time company break in?..."

This post wasn't published, but it also had 16 hits and won't post to the right place.  What is going on?

Before 12/20/13
but listed as 8/26/14
Character: To make a great character, start with a personal quirk that will stay with the reader.  Eliminating all thought words (he thought) and put in behavior which shows the thought and behavior can include action, body language, memory.  It's show, not tell.  What are the motivations of characters not facts for historical fiction.

Voice: 1 page of most interesting narrative voice-make it someone you'd want to know, good or evil.  Deeply about personality; about point of view.  What they want to convey is conveyed largely through the tone of voice.
One technique to help with the voice is to have constant surprise.  This jolt can come from a turn of phrase, description not heard before; make them sound more interesting than a real person or easier to understand.  Quirky people saying unexpected things in unexpected ways.  Whenever anyone talks, make sure there is necessary meaning, not a slump.  And while quirky don't go too far.  e.g. "History doesn't repeat itself but it does come awfully close."

Creating Page turning momentum:  Some form of tension (a question that needs to be answered or conflict that must be resolved).  Avoid activity vs action.  Necessary action only, that thrusts forward the story.  You're not going from one room to another unless there is a reason.  Yearning is another technique-this must be palpable-a deep place.  If not yearning, then fear-of something people understand, like poverty. Passion, how about passion, isn't my personal story driven by passion, one that has lasted my whole life?  If not passion, the desire.  I want therefore I am.

Start the story-1-3 sentence tag lines, a strong lead in.  What does the story mean to the writer in summary: Here's the tag line: Stealing the gold casino; despeart people risk everything with a storm coming to steal the skimmed, untaxed winnings of a corrupt casino operator.
Here are some other examples:  Boy meets girl, she's a fish,  Titanic in space

SEPARATION, trial, victory, return reintegration
archetypal hero journey:  I led you, playing the role of the sybil and
virgil who led me; questioning the dead is teh role of the hero, so you to can ask me waht you will, both guide and damned
No: alloted tiem in hell, i i am here today and i am here today, tomorrow and I remain.
Hell of the aneid-saint and sinner alike enjoy its comforts;
gluttony, wrath, sloth, avarice, lust, envy and pride
compare cheaters, hoarders, adulterers, ???
virgil: we suffer each his own shade" having the view of the sinner and the victim but dante is correct that hell is inseperable for the suffering is eternal
virgil-reincaration because we are all one,

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