
Sunday, September 20, 2015

x NLC-time orbits after the application of Fibonacci F-series part 5 spiral math

For those of you hoping you were done with these (or perhaps that I was done) I apologize.  I have been dealing with a rather intellectual, unpleasant task of dealing with a modern example of gaslighting and the ethical ramifications associated with it.  In my writings to date, I have not yet used the term "gas lighting" but plan to do so even though it may be a bit offensive to the "gas lighter" or alleged gas lighter perhaps.
I have also continued to push myself far beyond what is healthy, in particular swimming in a pool with dangerous levels of chlorine because if I stop I fear that I will go insane.  The treatment of my own problems this way has an end.  I could feel the tendons in my shoulders trying to give out from overuse yesterday and I was so exhausted when I went to sleep that I wondered if I would wake up again.  Still the dreams came, in this case a strange insect bite that festered dramatically in a green lawn that began in a surprisingly verdant las vegas median, and a burning house with ramifications that I cannot recall this clearly this morning but which meant much to me last night as my dream self pondered the fact that I would survive the flames despite losing everything in the house which was so dear to me.
I am mindful of the slimy outer skin of the algae which I am trying to hard to kill right now which has to be brushed away so that it doesn't form an impenetrable barrier to the chlorine which is killing both of us and the slimy layer that I have in my own life to protect me.  Perhaps the fires of my dreams will burn it away, leaving us both exposed, me and the relatively innocent algae.
On swimming, i was forced to use one arm to brace the shoulder of the other until the flow of warm blood overcame the cold of the water sufficiently to allow the protesting arm to move on its own against the warning pain of the overused sinews.  How long, I wonder, before they finally give out completely and I am forced by inactivity and the inability to exhaust my emotions to face the personal demons that beg for my attention and the failures and bad decisions that ask me to face them and not look away as I force myself headlong into whatever oblivion I can manufacture and hope for something that seems farther away every day that might save me.
This discussion of spirals is 90% done, but the spirals themselves are more than 10% done, at least taking into account exponential growth.  To understand this better, let's assume that 10% of the mass necessary to reverse the expansion of the universe has been found.  Remember that for the spiral theory to have relevance we have to have a universe that is contracting to a single data point.  While any part of the spiral remains visible, we are assuming that at any point, the effects of the algorithms apply and the primary algorithm is the effect of two opposite spirals.  The exact number of spirals will be briefly treated in this post and the number will correspond to the number of data points at any quantum moment in the universe which is, in math terms, a bunch of spirals.
The main two spirals are "carriers" for the other spirals.  These other spirals are can be viewed as either single spirals or exponentially compressed spirals of the higher clock times turning either "clockwise" or "counterclockwise" depending on whether they are part of the outgoing or ingoing spiral.
In this analysis the first outgoing spiral (fos, lol) would have a single spiral coming off of it for each ct1 state and would be moving outward.  For the sake of distinguishing, the spirals coming off of the first spiral are called clockwise (cw) spirals and upon meeting the last incoming spiral (lis) at the outer link would, over the course of 55% of the intersection, "reverse" the spin of the intersected portion of the lis which would be the first spirals picked up by the fos.  This process would be repeated for subsequent interactions, with the caveate that exponential numbers of spirals off of these secondary spirals would represent the higher clock times.
The ccw spirals are "invisible" to us and supply the missing gravity in this analysis which indicates that we have gone 10% into the spiral (using the 10% visible math model).  Otherwise, the missing data (mass) could be hidden in the higher states (ct6, etc).  In this case, if we're assuming 10% of the mass is available in a visible form to us, then we only have 90% of the mass hidden in ccw spirals which makes us much further along in the process of compression than estimated earlier which is why the spirals on top of spirals are necessary to explain the quantity of  missing data necessary in this mode to define the entire universe at a quantum point.
One can, in this model, imagine an apparently empty fos space because there is almost no visible gravity and the expansion model that we observe confirms this.  It's large outer diameter reflects the lack of gravity visible to begin the process of compression that brings it back to the point of origin.
Spirals off of spirals suggests that they are all spiraling in same direction on the spiral, but the opposite moving spiral suggests it would have mirror image features and at intersection the one running in opposite direction must take these reverse rotating spirals and turn them towards the same direction
Spirals on spirals on spirals is suggested by the number of compression states we see.  How many can go off of any one spiral is uncertain except it may be same number as in the original lis (the outer, most compressed state of the inner moving spiral immediately before it first impacts the first inward moving spiral or perhaps the point immediately after it starts its outward spiral from the singularity.  This may be less than 100 if we really do have 10% of the matter in the fos leg at this time given exponential growth, etc.
More will follow as we discuss this diversion into one remotely applicable algorithm for explaining the expression and to some extent the origin of NLC.

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