
Saturday, September 12, 2015

taking a break

My community service today starts so I have a few minutes of added peace.  I was up early, but the idea of delving back into even so trivial a math pursuit as the post Fibonacci numbers edits seemed too daunting, despite my interest in getting this finished and moving on to the other hobbyish pursuits.
I find myself fairly engaged by my various charitable pursuits right now and somewhat underwhelmed by the requirements of work.
I am put off by politics.  I am uncomfortable with the balance between xenophobia and responsibility.  Is Ann Coulter right?  Can we, a nation of invader immigrants really justify destroying the infrastructure of a country and then just leave the problem to everyone else in the world?  Justification is probably the wrong word.  Perhaps the Ann Coulter philosophy is can we achieve a greater world dominance by acting this way.
I think it's wrong to lump Ann Coulter in with Donald Trump.  I think that Ann actually listens to herself and I think that Trump just likes the sound of his own voice, a man after my own heart.  Still, if Fiorina doesn't manage to win the Republican ticket, I suppose I'll vote for socialism.  This doesn't mean that any of the other candidates on either side or in third parties aren't fine.  The overall philosophy of the planet needs to change, what we do here is really just a matter of our personal comfort in the short run.  Having a multi-generational view of things, I suppose we'd be best off voting a bacteria into office since we're quickly headed to a world where they will be in charge.  There is a great book I read about civilizations only lasting as long as their trees.  It focuses primarily on Island cultures, but its applicable to our world which will soon be treeless the way we're going.  At that point in time, perhaps life will not be worth living anyway so perhaps the bacteria can have it.
Would it be wrong to say that life without you is not worth living anyway?  I have felt the emptiness before of losing everything worth having, only to find that what was really worthwhile was something completely different, so perhaps there is a reason to be alive even without doing what you believe in.  Perhaps there is a certain logic to the Trump-Coulter philosophy.  Right is a matter of perspective. The ghosts of Bushes past will haunt our future, perhaps we can argue that having rejected their philosophy of bombing countries for the sake of family pride we can now reject the consequences.  Perhaps we could even go back to the days of cultural cleansing which is, after all, what our most aggressive non-chinese enemies are interested in.
It's a young man's game perhaps.  I have, by this point in my life, adopted the philosopher's view.  I want to talk about it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to actually do anything.  And that, indeed, is a more dangerous position than any of the others.  Something to ponder while I build a set for Poe.

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